After transfer, is RD the transfer date or the same RD as before?


Registered Users (C)
Argument 1:
RD is the transfer date or a few days later when the new center/office receives the transferred case, well, because that is the receipt date at the new center;

Argument 2:
RD is still the same RD when I-485 was filed at the old center before transfer.

Which one do you think is right (or the BCIS thinks is right)?

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Transfer or no transfer - RD does not change. Said that, early RD doesn't necessarily mean early interview (though often so).

Best wishes,

The newly released processing time at Missouri Service Center

shows June 2nd, 2003 for I-485. The questions is whether all transferred I-485 cases get approved or reviewed RIGHT AWAY, because RDs of these transferred cases are in 2001 or 2002?

Though not 100% sure, I tend to incline towards the assumption that the processing times at MSC can also correspond to those family based I-485 received directly only.
Jigesh, did you mean that

transferred I485 cases might not have the same processing time as those directly recieved at MSC? i.e., the published processing times only apply to directly received cases, while transferred cases are a separate category whose processing time may not be published. Thx.

Can you please post the address of the transferred office, is that same as mine?
lgwait, I think it is the same as yours,

some P.O. Box in Chicago, IL. I do not have the transfer notice with me now, but I did get it last week (transferred on 10/16, received the notice on 10/24). I can confirm later.
Just called 18003755283, even more questions after the call.

1. RD may remain the same, but the receipt date at MSC is what counts;
2. The released I-485 processing time is for LIFE cases;
3. Transferred cases fall under the category of "All Others," which currently shows a processing time of "TBD." (so, Jigesh, you were right).
4. As to making inquiries in the future, the following address is suggested:

Missouri Service Center
P.O. Box 648005
Lee's Summit, MI 64064

About this inquiry address, I am not so sure it is the correct one,
because all cases seem to be transferred to a P.O Box in Chicago.

Hope it is helpful.