After the Interview


Ok, I thought that I have posted that experience somewhere, but I didn’t. No problem, I will post it again, you guys deserve it.

I had my interview on Feb7th, 2005. Everything went fine and the interview was so smooth and it only lasted 10 minutes. At the end of the interview, the lady officer told me; “ ok, that’s it, you should hear from us within 6 months” that’s all , and she handed me the interview result form with the “ you have passed the US history and English test” with nothing else marked on it, period!

My friend is married to a lady who applied two months after me, and had her interview one days behind me. The officer even asked her to mail her husband’s birth certificate in the mail after the interview. That lady got her oath letter on May 3rd 2005. She swore in on May 19th 2005! Just keep that in mind.

Now, back to me L I have inquired through the senator’s office on March 22nd 2005 about my case , the senator replied with a letter and a note from the USCIS that , “ the case is with an officer for review, once the officer done reviewing the case, he will issue a decision”. I though, ok. Maybe my turn has not come current yet, so I can wait, it’s been only two months after the interview. On April 6th, I went to the DO, that’s 3 hours driving, and I was told that the case in under review! I went again to the DO on May 11th , and I was told the exact same thing! So, I asked the other senator to help me out, the answered him with the same thing, the case is under review!

I figured, maybe sending a certified letter with a return receipt to the DO itself could help, so I went for it on May 15, but I have gotten no reply at all!! I also mailed a certified with return receipt letter to the first senator who inquired about my case back in March, this letter was more as a complaint than an inquiry, because I got the officer’s name and all the assurance from the several visits to the DO in Memphis. The officer there told me after checking the status that all the checks, including FBI, CIA, and background are done and cleared back in august 2004, I applied in July 2004! However, I haven’t heard anything from the senator. I called him, he said they are behind on mail. I will have to fax him something, but he said, then the USCIS will say the same , case under review. He just doesn’t want to help anymore, plain and simple!

Now, I am talking to a congressman’s constituent, who promised me that I will hear something from the USCIS within this week He said he will talk to the responsible person in Texas Service center to review my file for real and see what exactly is the hold up. I told him i thought the final approval and the oath letter comes from the DO, he said the oath letter is mailed out from the DO, but the FINAL approval comes from the service center! He also claimed that if everything is ok and the file looks complete, he should be able to tell me my oath date. I don't believe that, but I can wait and see. I am not going to lose anything.

I have also scheduled an infopass appointment to go to Memphis DO on Thursday June the 9th. but i am not sure wheather it is worth driving 3 hours maybe to hear the same thing, case under review. What do you guys think i should do. Oh , one more thing, the constituent at the Congressman's office said when i told him about the 120 law that it is the law true, but it's not enforced, and there is no judge in the world would waste one minute on a judicial relief or public hearing. I just wonder, why is it not enforced?! is it because it serves the foreigners!! We love this country and we will be a great asset to America as citizens! We have clean background history and no criminal records, we pay taxes, we have good education, we work hard, etc.....! I am talking about the judicial relief not the mandamus.

I am actually a simple worker and can't afford the cost of the Mandamus, even as low as $1,500.00 in the best senario! What should I do, please shed some light with advices, ideas, or suggestions and I would be very thankful.

Thank you and good luck to us all!
sony55 said:
please shed some light with advices, ideas, or suggestions and I would be very thankful.

Hi sony55:
Based on your description, I don't see any problem w/ your case. I would suggest that you just wait and be patient. I know it is agonizing but some time its better to have things done in routine. As you said that your background check is cleared, so there is a very good chance that you may get Oath letter for the next available ceremony.
In the past a friend of mine was in a similar situation and the immigration officer suggested that you keep sending us the 'Letter of Inquiry' and this way your case will stay active. It is like a reminder that please look at my file and take some action.
Good luck.

I know it's very hard to be patient under these circumstances, but believe me that's the best thing you can do. Be patient and stay positive. I can speak from my experience of having getting stuck at one of the slowest DO's and completing the process in nearly 2 years!

When you deal with the USCIS and Congressman/Senator's office, try not to express your frustration excessively, but stay focused on trying to find out what's the hold up and, what they can do to remedy the situation. Telling anyone about the 120 days rule to make a decision will NOT help your case. So remain patient, persistent and polite, yet firm in your dealings. Believe me this too shall pass, and soon you will take the oath! Remember, once you take the oath, remember to register to vote, and make sure to always vote.

All the best!
sg_orl said:
When you deal with the USCIS and Congressman/Senator's office, try not to express your frustration excessively, but stay focused on trying to find out what's the hold up and, what they can do to remedy the situation. Telling anyone about the 120 days rule to make a decision will NOT help your case. So remain patient, persistent and polite, yet firm in your dealings. Believe me this too shall pass, and soon you will take the oath! Remember, once you take the oath, remember to register to vote, and make sure to always vote.

All the best!

That's very true. It is hard to accept the fact that we are all in a love it or leave it situation. And the kind of people we are dealing with have too much power and too low pay.