After Murthy's chat session. I spoked to her


There is on column in your labor which says that you can equivalent job other s/w engg. You have to look into that. You can go with that job title as new job. Also you job description which says should be same and moreover your salary should be more or less almost similar as written in labor.

It means that I should have a copy of my labor. I do not think that you can ask that from employer when you are leaving them

Can you get it from the attorney who filed the later i-140 or 485?
The form where the description is, is called ETA 750 Part B.
Although this is not what we hoped, I still interpret this memo as a good news.

After all, BCIS is not making things worse by interpreting the 485 portability in a more restrictive way, and this memo actually makes it easier for 485 applicants to change jobs and keep the status. With how the economy is doing right now, this means they are not as anti-immigration as we all feared, and some pressure from media or congress may actually be able to speed up the processing speed.

Here is more clarification on this topic,

Under the AC 21, 485 waiters are allowed to take new employment 180 days after filing I-485 inasmuch as it is a same or similar occupation. One question which remained a puzzle was what would happen if the employer should revoke the underlying approved I-140 petition. In fact, there have been a number of reports by the immigration lawyers that the Service Centers denied I-485 when underlying I-140 had been revoked by the employer in several instances.

This question has yet to be answered by the yet-to-be-enaced AC 21 regulation, but AILA has reported a letter written by a responsible BCIS official in response to an attorney's inquiry that revocation of the approved I-140 petition by the employer should not affect the pending I-485 application "inasmuch as the revocation took effect after 180 days from the filing of I-485." He opined that the underlying approved I-140 petition and the approved labor certification application would remain valid despite such revocation if it happened after 180 days.

The opinion was expressed in the form of a letter and not even an official memorandum. Accordingly, strictly speaking, the letter does not carry any legally binding force. However, in view of the fact that the officer is in charge of the business division, it should carry some weight for the Service Center adjudicators. Question remains: (1) Would the Service Center reverse their prior denial if people file a motion to reopen or motion to reconsider based on this letter? (2) Since one certified labor certification application can support only one I-140 petition, what happens if the employer files a new I-140 petition to substitute the employee and the new employee applies for I-485 based on the newly approved I-140 petition? The letter still begs a host of questions and it will remain so until the AC 21 regulation is officially enacted.

hi honey,
you said you are the client of Ms.Murthy. Does she look after your case or somebody working for her did your case?( i mean to say the lawyer in her office).
If I want to hire Ms.Murthy, what do i have to do?

srks, though your question was directed to reach_honey, having nothing better to do this Sunday afternoon thought should reply.This way your post too comes to the top ;)

You can start by visiting

where they detail the various types of consultation provided.

You may call their office between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST and get more details.

One of my friends wanted a paid consultation and had to make certain decisions within 2 days, calling their office indicated that Murthy herself was booked 2-3 weeks in advance, finally due to the urgency she went for some other lawyer at Murhty's firm.
So all in all depends what is your need.

Note: This is soley from what my friend briefed me. Others who are her cleints can give you a better picture.
