After Interview ....


Registered Users (C)
My case got transfered to SF, from CSC on Aug 13,2002. Then called for an interview on March 13,2003.Submitted the usual documentation (like one more birth certificate,revised tax return) a month ago. Still not got any reply from them.Also my daughter did not got her interview her file got transfered to SF ,INS on MArch 07,2003.Waited after 20 month patiency still they need lots of time. Last week I have sent a letter to Senator.I think it will take another three weeks for them to contact INS and get the reply due to backlock in senator's office.....
Very tired of waiting .....

Thanks for sharing the information.

I (Employment based) had I-485 interview in Dec 2002. I was told to wait for "security clearance" at that time. It has been 6 months and still waiting.

Can you tell me if you are also waiting for "Security Clearance", or something else?

In addition, can you tell me the name of the senator you sent to ?
And the mailing address also? I hope it can help!

Best Regards,
I have sent a request to US Senator for California- Diane Fianstein.You can go to the website of Diane and get the information what ever you want .It gives complete details how to contact and other details.
Website is ""
All the best
June 06,2003
Hi Ram,

Thanks for your reply.

Have you received anything news yet?

It has been 6 months after the interview today and I am getting very anxious.
I have not heared any reply from INS . Isnpsite of Senator I also sent request through Congressmen forthat also no reply. I wnet personally to INS,SF and for that also no reply. I am very tired of waiting. I am expecting some reply this week .hope things will imporve.
I inquired about my case after four months of waiting.

THe answer is: INS is waiting for "other government agency" to respond, so there is nothing the INS can do about it now.
It really sucks.

Good luck and keep us posted if good news comes!
This my II finger print . first onc got expired, which I did on March ,2002. Now i asked to do the second one because FP is valid only for 15 months.

I got interviewed last Nov. It's been 7 month now. My FP expired long ago. My question is how did you get your 2nd FP taken? Did SF office send you notice for re-doing your FP? Or did you just wakled in to ask for another one? Thanks.

I got the officeial FP notice from SF office.This is my second FP first one got expired on June 08,2003 and second one I did was on June 10,2003. I got the notice one week before my expiry of FP.
I think you can ask the SF office I use to go to SF office once in 15 days. Otherwise things will not move.
june 26,03
I hate to go to the SF office. But I guess I still have to go. Thanks for your advise. Good luck on your case.

SF_0302 are right . I know it is very tough to get some information from INS. It has no reason to prolong such a period that too after interview.
some cases they will approve without the second FP.That is also possible not necessary that every body has to be called even it get expired.Actually it is in INS hand to decide.Suppose our cases all interview has finished so be cool.They can not come and say no to you.If it is required they might have called you by this time.
This is my opinion and read in our websites lot about this.
Do not worry you may get your appoval even without your second FP who knows .Hope for the best....ram.
Got Apporved

Dear Friends,

Y'day I got my GC stamped.
RD : 08/07/2001
ND : 09/07/2001
case transfered to San francisco on Aug13,2002
First FP on March 02,2002
Second FP on June 10,2003
Interview held at SF on March 13,2003
Passport Stamped on July 23,2003

Interview was normal. Usual doumentaions like w2- , tax returns,W6, I-134 for dependents etc.,
Thye collect all my AP,EAD and I-94 on the same day but my daughter's file was not reached SF from CSC then I wrote letter to California Senator and she also wrote strong letter to BCIS,SF and after that they sent my daughter's interview letter by June 18,2003 and conducted the interview on July 23,2003.
The offier called all of us inside the room and show the current passport and he stamped the I-551 stamp on all of our passport.
Thank you very much for every body. From this forum I have learned lot of things and it was usefull to me.
I wish everybody all the best.
Once again thank to every body.
Best regards
I have updated Rupnet also.