After GC ....where?


Registered Users (C)
i'm loooking out for options to settle down after getting my GC. Can anyone suggest a good place for me.Someplace nice, clean ,warm and affordable (unlike the west cost) .And with good educational and transportation system. Am i asking for too much ?
What do u think of Atlanta?

Go back to India , thats what I think the economy is taking us too

Sry Just venting out
Not NJ, NY, PA, CT

Don't come to the NY metro area. It's cold, dirty and polluted. Not to mention the people are rude.
C D is right

Try South ATL is dirty too. Fl, TX, AL NC, SC, TN are good places to live and people are good too.

I moved from NJ to NC. There s a lot of difference.

I love it here.

Depend on your life style

if you want to relax a little, or you are a laid back person, Atlanda is a good choice. If you like fast pace, come to the east coast! ;)
Try the midwest .. you get everything here - snow, tornadoes, hail, hot and muggy summer days, draught, mosquitoes, etc .. :)
I myself moved from NJ to midwest- Southern Indiana. I liked the place, rents are cheap from NJ point of view (iam getting a 2 bed room apt for $499) and you are very close (2 hours drive) to
Oh, IL, TN, KY. But the only thing is miss here is the desi restaraunts on Oaktree rd (Edison NJ).
Actually, education and public transportation wise, Boston is one of the best cities to live in. Then again, the living expense is pretty high here. Still, I always loved living in this area. Technology sector is pretty hot around here too.

The other few places I like is the NC Research Triangle zone. Plenty of job opportunity (that is if you are in high tech area), the education system is not bad either. The weather there is certainly nicer then Boston.

Lastly, there is California Central Valley. Sacramento is a good place too. You will be surprised how much the living cost differs there from the Bay Area. The housing cost is very affordable, and living expense is not that bad either. I am not too sure about the school system there though.

Those are just a few places that I think is worth checking out if you are seriously planning on moving and thinking about the long term.

Have a good weekend.
Any place in US is okay to live..

You have in all places

* Electricity (uninterrupted )
* Water ( continuous )
* Milk and Vegitables
* Roads ( which you can drive on )
* Gas (Petrol )
* Doctors
* Schools ( convent education :D:D)

Its funny that Desis are running away from places which have become 'dirty', made by them !:D:D like NJ

Comon GUYS ....U reap as U sow

Now these fellows are searching new places (which are clean )
I know eventually they too become 'dirty' after some time.......

CHANGE yourself DESI... CHANGE!!
Goto any other place other than the dirty, arrogant, harsh NJ.
For Indians, any wherein South and East coast is good (except NJ)
I lived for 18 months in NJ and it's horrible. Rents are too high, no entertainment(no big cities), minimum 1 yr lease for apartment,
very difficult to get apartments, very likey to get speeding tickets
even if you exceed by a little, over crowded places. That's NJ.

If you have the luxury of choosing your place, then llook for a place which offers good job market and less cost of living
Hi dsatish,
Why dont you get back to work yourself :D :D instead of telling me. If you have free time, maybe you sign up for geography class or buy an atlas so you can find a major metro area for entertainment purposes:D :D in/around NJ. Were you in a coma during your 18 months stay in NJ that you did not hear of NEW YORK CITY? or even PHILADELPHIA? or are these citoes too small for your ENTERTAINMENT tastes?:D :D
You are right satish

In NC i saw a lot of difference specially in the poeple. They are warm, helping and welcoming.

Slight southern accent but thats OK. I have had a great experience here after living in NJ of almost 4 years.

Chicago is good too compare to boston !!!

I was in Boston more than 2 years and I thought Boston is very good place to live.But Recently(3 months back) I moved to chicago and When I am comparing I would say It is really good.

In boston I had my office in Downtown which took me almost 4 hours travel May be I would moved to somewhere closer but They rents are pretty high 1300-1400 for single bedroom.Here In chicago I am paying only $740 ,2 hour tarvel to downtown.And lot of Indian restratunts and Grogeries cheaper to Boston.Good job market.If you plan to buy houses you can get a good one for 200k to 250K where in Boston 300K to 350K.Lot of entertainment etc..

May be I need little more time to understand more about CHicago.But so for so good.