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Affidavit of support - question


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm new here, and I apologize if somewhere is reply already.
I am currently in process, waiting for second envelope. My question is if my sponsor can be a person different from the one with who I intend to live when I come to US? Can they be from different parts of US or the person who will receive me must be my sponsor also?
Thank you!
Tazmania, are an African? You have a Europian Case number. I want to know how an African can have an european case number.
Tazmania is German.
In general: An African can have a European number if he was born in a European country (country of birth is relevant, not country of citizenship).
Help Please :

I am DV2009 winner with my wife and little baby from AF .... which form for supporting me I-134 OR I-864 with my family ?
Hi all, how much is the person issuing an affidavit of support adviced to deposit into his account
Hi all, how much is the person issuing an affidavit of support adviced to deposit into his account
Depositing money in an account dows not really work, because they want to see a statement over a period of time.