Affidavit of support for derivative I-485?


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My fiancee plans to file derivatve I-485 after we get married (my I-485 has been filed by my employer some time back). I have two questions about this:

1. What would be the affidavit of support document? Letter from _my_ employer? Or letter from me?

2. Do I need to send an amendment to my status for my application (I was single at that time)?

Any information is highly appreciated.

The affidavit of support is done by you and has to be notarised--Form I-134 or I-864 depends on Service Center.
Obviously your marriage certificate is required to file for your spouse, linking to your petition (ref: Receipt No.)

Thanks for your response. It appears that we need to file I-134, but its instructions are saying it should be signed by either US citizen or permament resident. Since my I-485 is pending, I am neither of them, although I have A#. Can I still use this form?

Originally posted by Samir K Das
The affidavit of support is done by you and has to be notarised--Form I-134 or I-864 depends on Service Center.
Obviously your marriage certificate is required to file for your spouse, linking to your petition (ref: Receipt No.)
Re: I-134

I have more questions about this form:

1. What to select in question 1: I am NOT a US permanent resident, should I just skip it?

2. Which persons should I list in question 3: Name of spouse/children accompanying the person - myself and his son? or just his son?

3. Question 9: I have prevously submitted visa petitions to the INS on behalf of the following people. What to write here? I am filing 2 affidavits simultaneously, should I put my husband's name on affidavit for his sone and vice versa?

He and his son are filing I-485 as derivative spouse/child, and my application has already been submitted.

Thanks for your replies!
Mention your A# under 1d.
In 3 mention your spouse and his son (if he is eligible legally).
Only one affidavit should suffice with both the names--if you have earlier submitted visa petitions or affidavits mention the facts.
Certificate to certify non-availability birth certificate

Hello all-
I am planning to apply concurrently for I140 and I485.
I do not have my birth certificate and I understand I need to get an affidavit from my parents and a non-availability certificate.
Can some please advise:
1. what exactly does the birth certificate affidavit need to say? I someone can attach the language text, I would appreciate it.
2. How is this affidavit executed.
3. what exactly does the non-availability need to say? I someone can attach the language text, I would appreciate it.
4. How is this certificate executed? Who issues it and does it have to be from the place of birth?

Would appreciate e if you could share any dos/don'ts related to this step.