Affect on Immigration process after 2006 Elections

hey basura, i somewhat want tancredo to win so they can come after you. it wil serve you right.

look, is poll after poll. it isn't just one. it isn't just one from people from san fracisco and the upper west side. and the closest you get to a win is. "do you support amnesty." that poll had it around 45/46. that is big number. throw in margin of error and real enforcement, you get enough. see, those who really know know america wants amnesty. but i can't count you as a person that truly knows. you can't think for yourself. you just read what peopel that hate you say.

but again. you have two options. make a deal or get zero for another two years. we either do 1986 right this time or we wait until 2016 and still have the same debate then. if your love america, you wil make adeal. if not, you let otjers think for you. decide marlon. do you love america? or do you love those that wil destroy you? imbecile.
I exercise critical thinking. Typically I consider what is also prosperous for America, not only what is on the table to my advantage or our category only.

I seriously doubt Tancredo could go after the 1+ million who immigrates every year legally.

Happy Thanksgiving, TheInquisitor. Have a good turkey and do not forget the gravy !

TheInquisitor said:
hey basura, i somewhat want tancredo to win so they can come after you. it wil serve you right.

look, is poll after poll. it isn't just one. it isn't just one from people from san fracisco and the upper west side. and the closest you get to a win is. "do you support amnesty." that poll had it around 45/46. that is big number. throw in margin of error and real enforcement, you get enough. see, those who really know know america wants amnesty. but i can't count you as a person that truly knows. you can't think for yourself. you just read what peopel that hate you say.

but again. you have two options. make a deal or get zero for another two years. we either do 1986 right this time or we wait until 2016 and still have the same debate then. if your love america, you wil make adeal. if not, you let otjers think for you. decide marlon. do you love america? or do you love those that wil destroy you? imbecile.
just feel free to be a kkk friend. feel free to feel good about yourself. but know this, perhaps i wil never win, but guess who will win? i can't waste my time of %*(^^ like you. good by moron.
I think Matthew Oh really catpured the essence and meaning of the mid-term elections:

11/22/2006: The People's Mandates and Messages from Midterm Elections and Need for New Leaders to Collect Themselves and Act Quickly

The 2006 Midterm Elections have sent clear messages to the leaders. First, the leaders of the new majority party should remember that the people did not necessarily vote for them. People rather voted against the GOP and Democrats turned out to be unexpected beneficiary of the peoples' revolt. It was not a vote of ideological difference and probably not even the issue of Iraq war, but a revolt against arrogance and deaf-ears of the members of the GOP positioning themselves as the "masters" rather than "servants," with accompanying corruption, moral decay, do-nothing Congress doing nothing but playing politics for self-interest rather than the welfare of the people.
We see nowadays in the electronic and paper media the leaders of Democrats celebrating in a party mood lifting and waiving arms with a big smile. We submit that the party should be over and they should focus on the messages of the people in the Midterm election. After all, they were also part of the out-of-control system and do-nothing Congress. There are so many areas that have been sufferring because of the deaf ears, arrogance, corruption, and do-nothing system that it should not be difficult for them to figure out and understand the mandates from the people.
Broken immigration sytem is just a tip of iceburg that should be fixed. According to the survey, the public demands the elected officials to do the job. International competion of the nation is seriously suffering in businesses, research, technology, economy, or for that matter whole areas of the lives of the people of the nation. However, we do not see any clear agenda presented by the new majority party leaders how and when they are going to fix it. In the election, people asked loudly who brought about the broken borders. It was ludicrous for them to pretend that it was caused by all others but themselves. They pretended that they were trying to fix other's guilt by enacting save-border legislations. People were too smart to be fooled around by such tricks. They underestimated the people's inelligence.
We submit that the party should be over because if the new majority party leaders did not get the clear messages from the Midterms elections, they should and will face "judgment" of the people themselvesin the coming 2008 national election. We urge the new leaders to turn the Congress around from the "do-nothing" Congress to "working" Congress as soon as possible. No more cute smiles and no more waiving hands. Please work out the agenda to meet the mandates and messages of the people and put into actions as quickly as possible