advisory opinion


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can i apply for an advisory opinion with just my DS 2019 ?

I wish to take an opinion before i go to the consulate for the visa. can I do that? can i take an opinion with just DS 2019?
Following is the information, I got from some website. i applied it online by going through site, but i think that option is not working now. Actually I got a full package of documents by going through this site and send them by post along with my Ds2019 and a letter expaining the reason for doubt. I received reply after 4 months statin that I was subjected. hope following information will help u

Advisory Opinions
An advisory opinion is a request for a statement from the Waiver Review
Division as to whether an exchange visitor is subject to Section 212(e)
of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. Advisory opinions
can be requested when you have doubts about whether or not the J-1 is
subject to 212(e), or when the U.S. Consular Official marks a
preliminary determination on a visa stamp or the DS2019/IAP-66 that
may seem incorrect.
The J-1, the RO/ARO, or an attorney can request this advisory opinion.
All requests should include legible copies of all DS-2019/IAP-66 forms
along with a written explanation detailing either the uncertainty about
the determination or the reasons for believing the preliminary
determination is incorrect. We do not recommend sending your request
by fax because DS-2019/IAP-66 forms frequently become illegible
during the fax process.
Send your request to the following address:
U.S. Department of State
CA/VO/L/W, Visa Services
2401 E Street, NW, (SA-1)
Washington, DC 20522-0106
NOTE: You should provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope for where
you would like the advisory opinion sent.[/COLOR][/I][/I][/COLOR][/COLOR]
can i apply for an advisory opinion with just my DS 2019 ?

I wish to take an opinion before i go to the consulate for the visa. can I do that? can i take an opinion with just DS 2019?

I kind of doubt they'll answer you, but since it is free, you can try sending it in and see what they send you, expect a 40 day wait. As I understand you're question, you are wanting to know if you will get a j-1 with 2 year home residency requirement. And if so, you are going to cancel your application. Is that correct?

You may be better off asking around based on your situation.
You may also be better off calling the consolate itself and ask them. You have a better chance there actually getting an answer then with the Dept. of State itself in my opinion.

What country are you from?
What work are you going to do?
Is this government funded?
Is this a work and travel visa, or a training type work?
Will you be an intern at an office?
how big a skills list does your country have?
is there any possible way your skill could be on the skills list?

Really, a 2 year home residency requirement is only a problem when you never want to fulfill it. If you want to be an immigrant to the USA in the future, then be aware of it. But the fact is, it's much easier in most cases to get a waiver to the HRR if you get it then it was in the past. With the exception of a small number of countries that is.