advise please


Registered Users (C)
I have two years left on my H1B visa and want start process for my green card ASAP. Please advise me on the categories I can apply in, I have -
1) a PhD from the USA, no postdoc, straight to industry
2) only 3 publication in mediocre journals, not too great
3) I don't expect any big number of citations on them either
4) an Excellence Award from the graduate school (I don't think it counts much)
5) 5 published patents
6) two patent applications
7) two publications in process
8) my company is working on developing a drug for the major death cases in the world - can it count as improving health care in NIW?
9) I can get a number of _really_ good references from VPs of several pharmaceutical companies and research institutions, but no real proof in case of publications.
Please advise me......
Thanks a lot guys!
Yeah, but I mean the publications were done in my graduate school and they not that great and were published in mediocre journals - just some side research projects with no real significance or impact, which also means probably no citations and no reviews and etc...I haven't been reviewed in major journals, probably no reference to my works and etc....
The major proof would probably be the patents and that's it.