Advertising before Prev. Wage. Det.


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The company i am about to go work for advertised for the position i am offered absolutely everywhere. From Job fair to newspapers, they used and a recruitement agency, they also posted the job online on their website and at their workplace. They have the proof for everything.
They decided to hire me and go thru PERM. They sent a week ago the Prevailing wage request and received an answer today with, as expected by then, a required wage much lower than what they are offering and advertised.
Can they use the advertisment effort already made to file for PERM or do they have to re-do everything again ? Assuming they can use what they have already, all they need to do is advertise with the state DOL.

juntha said:
The company i am about to go work for advertised for the position i am offered absolutely everywhere. From Job fair to newspapers, they used and a recruitement agency, they also posted the job online on their website and at their workplace. They have the proof for everything.
They decided to hire me and go thru PERM. They sent a week ago the Prevailing wage request and received an answer today with, as expected by then, a required wage much lower than what they are offering and advertised.
Can they use the advertisment effort already made to file for PERM or do they have to re-do everything again ? Assuming they can use what they have already, all they need to do is advertise with the state DOL.


If the Prevailing wage is lesser than the advertised wage, they can use the advt.
juntha said:
The company i am about to go work for advertised for the position i am offered absolutely everywhere. From Job fair to newspapers, they used and a recruitement agency, they also posted the job online on their website and at their workplace. They have the proof for everything.
They decided to hire me and go thru PERM. They sent a week ago the Prevailing wage request and received an answer today with, as expected by then, a required wage much lower than what they are offering and advertised.
Can they use the advertisment effort already made to file for PERM or do they have to re-do everything again ? Assuming they can use what they have already, all they need to do is advertise with the state DOL.


They can still use those ad. However, it still has to take 2 months before you can apply (30 days for the state DOL and 30 days waiting period)

While we are at the advertisement topic I had a question. My company has agreed to do GC thru' PERM. My question is while posting an ad., should we mention the salary amount as well?

Can anyone send me a private message of an ad. used for PERM processing for a Sr. Software Engineer?

My attorney says the salary amount has to be mentioned.

Thanks for your help.

- Cooldude.