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Advance DV 2008 Oct Visa Bulletin Delay


Registered Users (C)
The Oct 2008 DV visa info has been delayed. Does anyone know has this ever happed before? Any ideas why this delay? Any concerns from other forums members.
The Oct 2008 DV visa info has been delayed. Does anyone know has this ever happed before? Any ideas why this delay? Any concerns from other forums members.

I have to say its definitely making me nervous… I would really like to know if anyone has ever come across visa bulletin delays before too. Why would they have to wait? Why did they not publish the DV numbers last month as normal? I am trying to stay positive but this all seems very unconventional…. I suppose we will just have to be patient! Also I have read a few people asking if any one with low case numbers has received the second package yet, which really should be due for those with the low CN’s by now, but no one seems to have gotten that? In fact has any body even managed to find out if there DV-2008 interview has even been scheduled yet? (those with low Cn’s of course) Its all very strange if you ask me. :(
if i say dis october delay no tire me na lie i lie.whick kin wahala b dis.AF10XXX

Hi there orere:

I have read this word "wahala" on the Nigerian threads loads of times, after a quick google apparently I found out that it means:

"complexed, mixed up, difficult to sort out, confusion, trouble, problematic, argumentative"

I just thought other forum members may like to know this! :)
cut-off for october

Guys and girls,

It could be just a rumor, but I heard that the cut-off for October would be 5800.
As I mentioned, it could be just a rumor.
Guys and girls,

It could be just a rumor, but I heard that the cut-off for October would be 5800.
As I mentioned, it could be just a rumor.

Thanks for the information brother but I would suggest we keep romours out of the forum...just for obvious reasons.
It is a painful wait for us all but lets just wait a little longer to get it from the horse's own mouth, KCC.

The cut-off number is for Europe only. A friend of mine has this information from his friend, as the last one asserts to have it from KCC. But I can't guarantee on 100% for it.
The cut-off number is for Europe only. A friend of mine has this information from his friend, as the last one asserts to have it from KCC. But I can't guarantee on 100% for it.

"A friend of mine has this information from his friend..." It is exactly because of such info sources that I strongly suggest we keep the forum clean from such.
Òhe next rumor, that I heard is that the offical cut-offs for October will be available on Aug 27th. Good luck in waiting. :)
Òhe next rumor, that I heard is that the offical cut-offs for October will be available on Aug 27th. Good luck in waiting. :)

where did you get this rumor from? as long as they get the dates out soon, I am happy. This wait is not good. :confused:

Hi there orere:

I have read this word "wahala" on the Nigerian threads loads of times, after a quick google apparently I found out that it means:

"complexed, mixed up, difficult to sort out, confusion, trouble, problematic, argumentative"

I just thought other forum members may like to know this! :)

Could not help laughing:D :D
Good translation; can you give me your reference.?
Hi there orere:

I have read this word "wahala" on the Nigerian threads loads of times, after a quick google apparently I found out that it means:

"complexed, mixed up, difficult to sort out, confusion, trouble, problematic, argumentative"

I just thought other forum members may like to know this! :)

Really funny! to think the word 'wahala' can actually be found on the internet! good one! Its nice to have some humour in all this waiting. :)

Lagos Nigeria
Case Number 2008AF00002xxx
NL received April 07
Returned to KCC May 07
KCC confirmed receipt May 07
Awaiting 2nd Letter
Really funny! to think the word 'wahala' can actually be found on the internet! good one! Its nice to have some humour in all this waiting. :)

Yea, I found it on blog somewhere, and apparently the word has made it into the English dictionary, well according to the blog:
some of the posts from the Nigerian threads have some wacky words in them! One thing this board has definitely done has introduced me to some of them :)
Very interesting. I myself have often been confused by some of the Nigerian words but I just try to make sense out of it. Thanks for the info, this board is certainly very educational :)
5 days...nothing 4 ocyober

Hi there orere:

I have read this word "wahala" on the Nigerian threads loads of times, after a quick google apparently I found out that it means:

"complexed, mixed up, difficult to sort out, confusion, trouble, problematic, argumentative"

I just thought other forum members may like to know this! :)

sorry.its typical nigeria lingua.i 4get not we all on the forum ar nigerians.been huggin my laptop since 15 august.waitin 4 oct bulletin.this silence kinda makes me somehow.still waitin.AF10XXX
at least we hav smething from good old naija.as 4 the rumors sofly sofly last thing we need is a rumor.we have to wait 4 them americans.its their thing w play by them rules.mr almemitee go check out TUFIAKWA!god will not let us reap sorrow.TUFIAKWA!

It is really good to know that the word "wahala" is almost an acepted English word. Make our Wafi bros give them more of such words.. who knows it may be accepted.