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Administrative Processing


Registered Users (C)
My case is under "Administrative Processing" from 16-Oct-2007. Please write your experience/views/openion on "Administrative Processing". What are the functionalities of "Administrative Processing"?
Why cases are taken under "Administrative Processing"?
what are the chances for successing cases under "Administrative Processing"?

CASE : 2008AS1xxx
Interview : 16-OCT-2007
Some info about administrative processing

Hello everybody, :)

I've gotten from my search on the Internet especially on the US embassies' websites that this process takes normally from two months up to six months, and most cases are cleared in two months. This process takes place in the US government security agencies in Washington DC. They check your name and finger prints against the black list on their data base. If there were some match, they would check your other information to know whether you were that person or not especially that there could be many people who have the same name sometimes.

Anyway I've written the mentioned information the way I got, and they couldn't 100% accurate.

I hope that it is useful for you.

Best regards & good luck,
don't worry. it's not even 1 month yet that your case is under 'administrative processing'. it'll be ok. there is still a long time left to the DV 2008 deadline. you'll get your visa in time :)
Jonab Zahid
Be patient; several people already answered your question right after your interview when you asked the same question. Again I am telling you: this may take 2 to 6 months, may be more and even those who are already in USA and processes green card here, have to go through it. I know somebody got DV2007 from Dhaka, took 9 months. At here for some people it takes even more. If you are lucky you may get it within 2 months and if you don’t have any criminal record! Good Luck.
Altogether, I had to wait 8 months for "administrative processing" to be completed before finally receiving my visa.

Count your blessings for having had your interview in October: you have nearly a year before fiscal year 2008 ends. That should be more than enough for administrative processing to be completed in most cases. Some people have their interviews in the last several months of the fiscal year and, as a result, may not have their administrative processing completed in time and won't be issued visas. Again, you should have plenty of time, so try not to worry too much about it.

I have posted on this issue before, so you might want to search this forum for my posts to get more information on administrative processing.

In summary, most likely, the reason you have to go through this process is that one or more matches were found in the CCD (Consolidated Consular Database). As a result, your application is now under review at the Department of State in Washington, DC. They may or may not also involve other federal agencies, such as the FBI. Statistically, people with common names are more likely to have their applications referred for additional administrative processing. People with certain Arabic and Hispanic names fall in this category. However, even quite unique names can find their way into the CCD. Also, in many cases, names are searched for phonetically, so having a weird spelling doesn't necessarily help.

Another reason for administrative processing could be if you have a degree or work in certain "sensitive" disciplines that appear on the classified "technology list".
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Thank you everybody here for providing me the right information regarding my issue. The summary of all is that, I have to wait atleast for 2 months and maximum end of 30 sep,2008. Please pray for me for the best.
