• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

administrative processing is over


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my case is over today. I got visa today. Thank you everyone expecially Tazmania, fung fu tsent. la1 and others.
my case is over today. I got visa today. Thank you everyone expecially Tazmania, fung fu tsent. la1 and others.

Good to hear that you finally made it. I quiet remember your case well well.

Originally Posted by ammeck09

I want to know, do you live in the same house with your wife? And do your neighbours knows that you are married to your 'wife'? Is your family aware that you are married to this young lady, especially your relatives they interviewed?

Your answers to these questions will actually guide us to determine the possibility of obtaining the visa.

Originally Posted by kkpsk View Post
Yes we live in the same house. And my neighbour knows about us. My parents accept our marriage. Everybody knows about our marriage except the embassy. . Polices from our township, and Ya-Wa-Ta and our naighbours know about us.

With these answers, I hope you stand a better chance of getting the visa. My only concern is that period you got married. Because, according to you, the year you got married, your wife was 17 years which according to your country's laws, marriage cannot take place.
Congratulations !!! Good luck to you and enjoy living in USA !!!

My visa is also approved by the US consular officer today ! I will get my immigrant visa together with my passport in a few days ! Please keep contact with me ! OK ??? I hope I can see you in USA !!!

Both of you and I are from Burma.I hope we can be friends !
Where do you want to live in USA ? For me,I will live in Denver,Colorado because I got my job at the chinese restaurant there.My father's good friend is the owner of that restaurant.The salary is US$2000 a month including tips,accomodation and food.I think it's not bad ! I also want to study at one of the universities in USA ! I have already got my TOEFL certificate.What's your plan ? When do you want to go to USA ? I will go to USA next month !
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Congratulations DavidTseng and kkpsk. I'm from Burma too. I'm still waiting for NL. This is my 12th try. I heard that no chance for the person who born in Yangon. Is that true? Could you please tell me what is your place of birth?
Congratulations DavidTseng and kkpsk. I'm from Burma too. I'm still waiting for NL. This is my 12th try. I heard that no chance for the person who born in Yangon. Is that true? Could you please tell me what is your place of birth?

It's not true ! I and kkpsk were born in Burma.He is living in Burma and I'm now living and working in Taipei as Taiwan citizen !

Good luck to you ! ;)
Congratulations !!! Good luck to you and enjoy living in USA !!!

My visa is also approved by the US consular officer today ! I will get my immigrant visa together with my passport in a few days ! Please keep contact with me ! OK ??? I hope I can see you in USA !!!

Both of you and I are from Burma.I hope we can be friends !
Where do you want to live in USA ? For me,I will live in Denver,Colorado because I got my job at the chinese restaurant there.My father's good friend is the owner of that restaurant.The salary is US$2000 a month including tips,accomodation and food.I think it's not bad ! I also want to study at one of the universities in USA ! I have already got my TOEFL certificate.What's your plan ? When do you want to go to USA ? I will go to USA next month !
Congratulation David. We are not friends. We are brothers. :D I'm not sure where I'll live. Maybe Maryland or NewYork. I'm going to go part time sku. But I don't have TOEFL marks. I'll try here and take exam. I'll go there next 4 or 5 months. Good Luck brother.