Administrative Processing: How long ?


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SOS: Administrative Processing: How long ?

Hi, I was looking for some information on how much time " administrative processing" usually takes. (Have heard of a case where it took 9 months when consulate informed me taht it takes 4-6 weeks)

The History is as follows:

Oct 2003: Apped for B1 VISA but was asked to come with new passport since the old once was damaged. Since the business case didnt exist by the time I got the new passport, I applied when the next time I needed to travel to US.

March 2003: This time I was Given B1/B2 VISA for 10 years multiple entry in March 2004 on my new passport which was attached to the old passport. Ironically the VISA carried the photograph of my previous application along with the passport number of the old passport. I assumed this might be a minor correction and gave it for correction but the next day the passport was returned to me with the VISA carrying a stamp "Cancelled without prejudice" and a note saying that "we would get back to you later since your case has gone for "administrative processing" which could take as much as 4-6 weeks.
June 2004: Now its been 11 weeks and when my company enqured with the consultae in Delhi, we got to know the processing is still pending.

My queries: 1. Due to current needs, I need to travel on an L1 VISA. Can I apply for a blanket L in parallel to the admin processing or the above processing is independant of the kind of VISA one is being isued.?

2. In case I have to wait for the processing to get over then what amount of time could it take at a maximum? How long do I wait before asking my company to check whether the processing is over or not since repeated mails for checking on processing status might cause further dissension ?

Kindly advise/share experiences since I am to report to US in the month of July and this is causing huge financial loss to the company and putting my career in jeopardy.
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processing time


I am in the same situation, for some reason that the guy at the consulate refused to divulge, my visitor visa application has been withheld for further processing. I wanted to know the status of your case, have you recd. any reply from the consulate so far?
stamped 221(g) on passport for admin processing for visitor visa

My in laws also went to consulate in July 2004 and were told that they will be contacted in 3 weeks and their passports were stamped with 221(g) and they were told that some admin processing is reqd.

Pls let me know how you mailed consulate etc etc ? My in laws went to Mumbai consulate. They had all the paperwork but were not asked to show anything.

We both also are GC holders (in fact my husbands gc was approved after in laws applied for visitors visa). we had sent the passport pages after it was stamped when they went for interview. It was their first time though.
Same issue with my parents

Hi All:
My parents went for the visitor visa this week and they were told that they will informed once the additional administrative processing is completed. The interviewing officer did fingerprint them and said that they will be contacted within 7 to 30 days.
Could some one please explain what this additional administrative processing is?
This was the second time that my parents applied for visitor visa. The first time it was refused under 214-B.
Any help/info. on this will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Axp - My in - laws were told the same thing and its been more than a month and no reply from the consulate. My in-laws are planning to go to consulate again this week. I will keep you updated. By the way, this was their first time ever at the consulate and we both are green card holders here.

which cosulate did u go to ? ours was mumbai.

Hi Gondi:
My parents went to new delhi. Did your parents got their fingerprinting done?
Based upon what my parents told, the interviewing officer was trying to check something on their computer system and was not able to get a response back. He didn't tell what he was looking for.
Did they tell your parents that they will be contacted by phone within 7-30 days?

yes APX, they were fingerprinted too . I dont know if they said by phone or mail but they said in 3-4 weeks they will contact. thats it.
I have a good news to share. My in-laws got a call from mumbai consulate last friday 9/10 telling them that the additional clearance/processing is done and they have the clearance to get the visa. they asked them to come for interview any time.
My in-lawas went on Tuesday 9/14 (sat/sun the office is closed and they didnt want to go on mon as it was not an auspicious day..). They were asked some std questions and then were granted visa. they didnt if it was for 6 months or 10 yrs to they waited till they received the passports by couriers and then they informed us that they got 10 yrs visa.

I have no idea what they did but they did get some clearance from US I guess.

Hope ur parents also will have the same procedure and should be done in 5-6 weeks just like mine.

take care and have faith

Congratulations gondi!!!
I am glad that your in-laws visa was approved. Thats a great news. Just checked with my parents last night, but they haven't heard back from the consulate yet. They went for their interview in end of august. So its about 3 weeks now. Hopefully they'll also hear the good news soon.
I tried to find out about this additional administrative processing. Usually they do this if the applicant's name matches closely with a name in the US Immigration blacklist. So this clearance is usually required if you have a very common indian name.
Anyways, congratulations to you and thanks for sharing the information.
Administrative Processing Time


It has been approx 4 weeks my L1 application was sent for additional administrative processing, Today I called up the embassy they have did not give me any time frame.

Can any of you share your experience as how long they took in your case.