Address on paperwork


Registered Users (C)
We're living in an apartment and will move in 3-6 months. My parents live in the same city - could I use their address as a 'current address' so that we don't have to worry about problems due to trying to change our address later?


I am in the exact same situation. It ultimately comes down to who is filing the I-864. I mean if you guys are both filing for the affidavits of support(I-864 and I-864A) and are working in the area around your present location then it might be a bit dicey(I think). Because you will be showing payments stubs, bills, etc. in the Affidavit of support from your present address but will show the present address as your parents. That may look like confliciting information.

But if your parents live in the same city(State) or if someone else is acting as a Joint Sponsor then it may not be a problem.

I may be wrong .. I may be right .. this is just what I could make out from the advice I got from a few good people in these forums. If you decide to file it from your own present address then just file the I-865 the moment you move to your new apartment. That should help you out but possibly will set your Application back in time(dont know how much).

Hope I could be of some help. If you think or hear otherwise .. please let me know as well as it may help me out also ..
