Address for New Delhi Consulate


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I am about to send my Paqcket 3 (AC 140 with 824 receipt and DS230-1 forms) to New Delhi Consulate.Could someone guide if it is OK to send an international FedEx or someone has to go there personally to deliver the documents.Also if fedex is fine then what is the address where it needs to be sent...does it need to be addressed to someone?

RituRavi - FedEx is okay...but do call them up a couple of business days

after ur P3 is delivered..that way u can expedite ur \'P3/case entered in the system\'...though if u want to have a better shot for March list..and u can get it hand\'s preferable...cos\' in case of hand delivery..Case is entered the moment it\'s received at the Information Counter...Pls check ur private too..
Good Luck...
No Title

Thanks Harry001.I wont be able to had deliver.Do u know of the correct address where I can send it...with the name of the person it is to be addressed?
Here it is- though i got it from the same site that Patta Hara mentioned

and he\'s a very authoratice source of GC info..

US Embassy - Consular Section
New Delhi 110021
Also start the process for PCC ASAP as it takes atleast 31 days to get PCC from Indian consulates in US unless u got a new Indian passport from here...
pls check ur private too...
RituRavi - you could have anyone friend in Delhi hand-deliver

That way it is entered in the system on the same day. Depends on when you want your interview, whether it is worth expediting. Which is your Consulate for PCC ?
- Mukul