Address change with USCIS is a mess


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Exactly 45 days back we have changed address online on pending 485 applications. We did not receive any confirmation. Please suggest what I should do?
call USCIS and select change of Address option. Speak with operator and give approx data when you requested change of address or atleast ask your address on their file.
That did not work..

call USCIS and select change of Address option. Speak with operator and give approx data when you requested change of address or atleast ask your address on their file.

I just moved 3 weeks.. thinking that my PD will never be current in this century :mad:

But anyway when miracle happened, I changed the address online on pending I-485, but when I called the NSC yesterday they said they still have old address on file. She asked me to do it online again.. but freaking system has some validations it does not allow the address update twice within 45 days.

There systems are messed up. I will be messed up too....if they approve my GC.:confused: :confused:
They are even beyond that..

I filed for an address change request last year and it never took effect. I came to know only when my AP/EADs were returned to USCIS and fortunately they mailed it back to the address that USPS provided to them while returning the documents.

Now I called up my attorney and told them about the situation. They called USCIS and got my address changed. I called to verify and as soon as I started reading the new address, representative cut me off by saying.."yeah we have it on file.."

Now I get new FP notices for me and my spouse but I had to travel to FP center(ASC San Francisco) where my old zip code belonged too.. I was surpised as there is another FP center(San Jose ASC and District office) very close to where I live. I double checked and found that my ZIP Code was never changed.. So system had new address with an old zip code.. All the FPs/Interviews are transferred based on zip code.

I have filed online AR-11s for me and my spouse. Updated the pending cases with new address with correct zip codes.. LUDs didnt change at all yet. Dont know how to make sure it happens.. Should I call USCIS to verify?
I am filing my documents(485 EAD AP) in couple of days. Just a month ago we had to start to prepare for move from my current address. I am yet to finalize the lease and I would get house 2 months from now.

Few friends suggested me to use my relative's address for AOS documentation and later on change it to my actual address in order not to miss any EAD-AP that I may receive in near future. I will be filing AR-11 twice , first one , right now and next, when I move to the new place in couple of months. If change of address does not take effect, I still continue to get corrospondence at my relative's house and if it does, I am lucky.

Let me know what your views are..
As address did not update on the file when I changed it online, I would like to take an infopass appointment. What are documents that I should carry?
A week back, I filed online AR-11s with the correct zip code(I dont know how, but they forgot to update the zip code with the address change). Nothing changes as per online case status. No LUDs since then. Its alread a few working days.

I touched upon my paralegals and they came back with a reply that USCIS does not entertain phone calls for address change any more.

Finally I initiated a phone call to check it for myself and fortunately I could initiate an action for the address correction and also got a confirmation number.. The officer asked for all the information and verified what was incorrect and took the correct address and zip code.. all well and good.

I asked him whether I could do the same for my wife. He flatly denied and told me that she has to make a call for herself.

I asked my spouse to repeat the process for herself(I am at work and hence she is not phyically present with me as USCIS requires). After an hr on phone, a lady came on and flatly denied the address change request and told her, "You have to do it online".. and "Wait for it to take affect".

Such a predictable organization USCIS.
As I did not receive confirmation mail from USCIS I have called them and told that i have updated address on line around 50 days back. Then she took my EAC # and said this case out of processing time since it's filed on Dec 2004. Then she requested service request and also included address change in it.

Did anyone receive confirmation letter after updating address online?
I did an address change online (AR11 plus address change) of my I-485 on May 6th..LUD changed on May 9th..Got confirmation mail at my new address by end of May.
I did not receive a hard copy in postal mail but I did receive an email a few weeks later confirming the same. But then again I did not get one for my wife.

USCIS and its design is very unpredictable. I would not sweat over it. Just call 1-800 number and double check.
I did not receive a hard copy in postal mail but I did receive an email a few weeks later confirming the same. But then again I did not get one for my wife.

USCIS and its design is very unpredictable. I would not sweat over it. Just call 1-800 number and double check.

I called 1800 number and selected address change option. They said, they can not see persionnal information. How could we know that it's updated on the file?
I did not receive a hard copy in postal mail but I did receive an email a few weeks later confirming the same. But then again I did not get one for my wife.

USCIS and its design is very unpredictable. I would not sweat over it. Just call 1-800 number and double check.

May I have the 1800 number in full pls. Thanks a lot
If you ever received any notice from USCIS, it is mentioned on it.

(800) 375 – 5283

and baby_mde: Call them again. What you said does not make sense. They should be able to change or verify your address.
I am applying for AOS in the first week of July. Unfortunately I am moving at the end of this month. I dont know my new address yet so I am using my old address. Wont address forwarding work ? Please suggest what do I need to do after I move so that I dont miss any communication from USCIS

Use the POJ method and talk to IO to have the Address Changed

Guys :

Use the POJ method => 1 800 375 5283 then 1-2-2-6-1 enter the 485 receipt no. then 1-1-3-4 ;

Once you get hold of the IO, request him/her to have your address changed;
Regular Reps will not be able to make this change ( You will know it is a Rep if they tell you their ID# );
Hope this helps

It worked for me, So try and make sure you have your address updated.

And good luck to you all

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I have requested service inquiry about pending 485 and address change a week back. We did not here anything. How soon we get the response?