Address Change in USCIS office


Registered Users (C)

My wife and I have pending I-485 and EAD
appllications with BCIS.

We would like to move our apartments and
hence would need to get our address
changed for all pending applications.


1) In addition to submitting AR-11 forms
and calling up the 800 number to change
addresses, can we walk-in to a district or
local USCIS office (i.e., SFO or San Jose
USCIS offices) and get our address
changed and receive confirmation over

2) Is it true that if we have pending EAD
applications, it is advisable not to move until
the EAD application is approved as the card
may be sent to the old address?

Thanks in advance,
Did anyone file change of address after applying EAD? And did you get your EAD cards to old address or new?

I changed my address after filing EAD. I sent my change of Address to USCIS in April 2002 which was about 4 months before I received my EAD

However my EAD was still mailed to my old address and was forwarded by US Postal Service

Hello Waitingtotango,

Since your ead card was mailied to your old address, what all did you do for your address change: AR-11, calling up 800 number, etc.

Is there anything that you did not do which may have caused the EAD card to be mailed to your old address?

Hi Kuti,

Here is the sequence.

EAD files Feb 5th

Address Changed 15th April.

Sent AR-11 to 15th April. (I did not call the 800 Number)

EAD received at 1st August.

Hope this helps.
my experience

well, i had a bad experience with this -

I applied for EAD...

Moved to new home...

Gave USPS chg of address info 1 month ahead since they take 1 month to come into force...

CSC approves & mails me my EAD while Iam still at old home.

USPS returns my EAD back to CSC saying I dont live there anymore...

had to get my lawyer to call CSC to send to new address - took 2 weeks to be remailed back to me..

moral of story -
1. dont depend on USPS to get things right - those who got their cards inspite of move - it was luck...INS documents are supposed to be returned if adressee is not at given adress - and not meant to be forwarded...
2. Give new address to CSC by calling 1800# before they end up approving ur EAD...and hope they mail to the new address...