Address change after transfer to local office


Registered Users (C)

My case has been transfered for the San Francisco office for interview (transfer date 3/2001). Would it have a negative impact on my case if I were to move outside the juristiction of the SF office (say Mountain View, Santa Clara - which falls under the juristiction of the SJ office)? Will the SF office transfer the case to SJ automatically when I file for an address change request? Does this cause substantial delay?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

No Title


Hang on. I will write something for you once I finish up posting
the latest tracking lists.

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If your address changes, you must inform INS so they will have an updated
record of your residence. However, I worry that the change may further delay
the time for your interview. At this stage, it\'s better to stay put and wait it
out (if you know what I mean). I\'ve heard far too many cases where INS
loses files or never updates address changes even though applicants follow
everything -- file change of address form and call IIO etc.

If you really have to change, I suggest this. First, go to San Francsico
office and ask them whether your file has been forwarded there. If your
file is still at CSC (very likely since your case was tranferred only recently),
your move will not cause any delay. Go ahead file the form and make sure
they update your record in their system.

In addition, you might also want to take a careful look at the interview list
and compare the times it takes for SJ and SF to schedule interview. Based
on your finding, you can decide whether you want to move or not. I am not
positively sure, but I think in general, SF seems to be a little faster (it used
to be the other way around!).

In any event, please keep us posted on the development of your case.
