Additional Documentation


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I finished my fingerprinting on 12/20/08 and today i recieved another letter from the USCIS saying that I should bring more information to the interview (info on traffic tickets, driver's license and birth certificate of any children born in the US). Any of you guys recieved such letters before recieving the IL, do i need to be concerned?
I got the same yellow letter today. I suspect this simply shows they reviewed the case, and perhaps it's now ready to be picked up for interview depending upon local district office's processing times.
I finished my fingerprinting on 12/20/08 and today i recieved another letter from the USCIS saying that I should bring more information to the interview (info on traffic tickets, driver's license and birth certificate of any children born in the US). Any of you guys recieved such letters before recieving the IL, do i need to be concerned?

Hi, does any of it apply to you directly? example: you have had traffic tickets and you did put them down in your application,,, or do you have kids ?

The reason I ask is because maybe if these things apply to you its just their way of reminding you to bring these documents with you to interview.
Hi, does any of it apply to you directly? example: you have had traffic tickets and you did put them down in your application,,, or do you have kids ?....

In my case, the case review notice mentioned (i) driving license and (ii) birth ceritificate of US born kids, both of which apply to me. I don't have any traffic tickets, and so is not mentioned in the notice I got today.
I had ticket but didn't mention it and have kids but so for no letter. I already received the interview letter.
This looks like a new version of the old document checklist. This used to be sent with the IL itself - and was not tailored to the applicant (generic). Looks like they may be somewhat improving now that it is being sent to a lock box - especially if they can select which documents on the checklist applies to the applicant. Could it be that our $$$ are finally working? for no letter. I already received the interview letter.

If this process is the same as when there was no lockbox (I think they used to get pink letters then!), not everyone received case review notice. It appears to me that this notice has no significance and has no bearing on any remaining processing. Even though the case review notice mentions to bring it in original during interview, no one has mentioned that IO ever asked for it or looked into it during the interview.

It's safer and preferable to take documents as per JohnnyCash's list ( plus any documents you think might be needed if there are any specific typicalities to your case rather than what they write on case review notice or on actual interview letter itself.
See USCIS Response to Question-8 on this link to an informative PDF document.

I quote below:

Question: Our offices are starting to see Case File Review Notice/Interview Document Check Lists from the NBC on clients filing N-400s. Please explain how and why these are being used. USCIS does not require birth certificates when filing the N-400, so we wonder why USCIS is asking for them at interviews. These are especially concerning for refugees, many of whom do not have birth certificates and have already established their identity through the refugee process and adjustment. It adds another burden to them in preparing for the interview. Is the checklist process part of transferring files to other Service Centers and speeding up the processing for N-400?

Response: Complete File Review (CFR) is a standard practice of the NBC as they prepare cases for interview. That said, we will work with the NBC to ensure that the documents they recommend applicants take with them to naturalization interviews are not different than what is suggested by the Service Centers. It is important to remember that the CFR is not a process that slows down or stops the processing of a case while pending at the NBC. The CFR is conducted to provide the applicant with a complete list of items USCIS suggests be brought to interview in order to help reduce delays in rendering decisions.
I received today Case File Review (CSR) Notice and my wife got on Friday.

For me US born Kids Birth certificates, Driver's Licence and Traffic Tickets information and for my wife the first 2.

I hope, we will receive interview letters soon.
Why do they want us to bring children's birth certificate?

Does it make any differences?
I think the new Service Center to Lockbox process creates a new notice " Case Review Notice" after initial reviewing of A file and other security checks at NBC, Local offices/ NBC. Previously Service centers were combining both in one letter. NBC in consultation with local offices will schedule and issue IL afterwards.This is my guess, let us wait and see how the new process works. This is a transition time and look out for surprises!!!