Additional Check ?????


Registered Users (C)
What is this additional check??? Spoke to IIO (tier 2), she said because of additional check it is taking time on your case. (She gave the ex: like Name, your job status, company status, etc..)#$%!#$%

It's been over 26 months and they are still doing additional checks.

how come i had the same experience

i called the IIO today and had the exact same experience.. she said they are doing additional checks and started patiently giving me examples of what that might be...

Have they all been trained to give the same answers... SOB...

cat&Mouse luck GC

If you guys don't mind , Do your real names sound like MUSLIM names or country of birth is Muslim or sate of birth. I can't understandt what additional checks they would require to approve a case that is 26months old. If it takes them so long for these check Fuugget about catching a terrorists.

First name does not tell anything about muslim link or country but lastname, may find in muslim community(99.5% hindu & .5% muslim)

lastname is not that comman.

Re: cat&Mouse luck GC

Originally posted by sunk1ng
If you guys don't mind , Do your real names sound like MUSLIM names or country of birth is Muslim or sate of birth. I can't understandt what additional checks they would require to approve a case that is 26months old. If it takes them so long for these check Fuugget about catching a terrorists.

I am pretty sure you have hit the nail on the head, I have plenty of desi Christian friends and I have not seen anyone even wait for a year for 485 approval.

I think if your name is obviously recognizable as non-muslim or christian then you are likely to pass the check quickly. If not, the database (which is evolving) has to grow to the right size before the software can pinpoint origins of your name based on its root and phonetics. It is not an exact science, but an evolving one, so it does create bottlenecks. It used to be such that an answer of "unknown" was good enough for AOS approval, but now the name check has to come back as a explicit yes or no, which may not be possible for more complex names.

To verify - know any Sindhi's who got approved in a jiffy?
Well then there is no other option other than to wait for database to grow. Imagine somebody in JAN/FEB waiting for something like this. He would have to wait for another year.


Name check is only one of several checks. The actual name is just one variable. My name is Christian but I have been waiting for 20 months. How about Moslems married to Christians? they do have Chistian sounding names, right.
Place of birth: It is of relevance.
Job: Several sensitive technologies under several lists (TAL)go through extra checks.
Nationality: Several nationalities wrt sensitive technologies go through extra checks. For example an Indian working on aluminium centrifuges!

The problem that they have is the name culture and use being different in various countries. Not all names are English or Greek with a first, middle and a last name. I know cultures that they only use ONE name; Most Arabic names are long also. Go figure that database! The same holds for the way the date is being used with MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY between America and other parts of the world.
In any case, mose databases are being integrated every day, some by the end of 04. These are being used by both CIS and the State Department. So thre is no basic difference. It is an ongoing project and that is why we should not tie the GC to any security checks.
I don't know how you get to level 2 officer (tier 2) as I tried but could not get there?

you are right, what is taking so long with additional check.

Originally posted by cat&mouse
What is this additional check??? Spoke to IIO (tier 2), she said because of additional check it is taking time on your case. (She gave the ex: like Name, your job status, company status, etc..)#$%!#$%

It's been over 26 months and they are still doing additional checks.

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Additional checks..

I dont think its anything with checks. How come someone who goes the CP route to adjust their status gets it done in 6-9 months and in case of AC I-140 ( A good option for straight forward cases, check the CP Section of this forum), its done within 3-4 months BUT AOS takes 24+ months. Just does not make sense that Security checks causes delays. Looks like the State Deptt works quicker and more efficiently than USCIS or DoJ.
My 2 cents

Don't believe what the Tier 2 (Immigration Offier) at the NCSC, says. They are no different from Tier 1 reps, and work at the same NCSC location.

They have no additional access to any pending case.

In my personal experience, I spoke to two different Tier 2 reps a month apart, and both of them essentially repeated what we can see in the website. They just there to provide some emotional support, for people who are not satisfied talking to Tier 1 reps.. thats all.

It was funny that.. the first time I spoke to a Tier 2 rep, he said he couldn't even check if my AR-11 got updated in the database. I had to call again and get it done with a Tier 1 rep. That said it all, about the functioning of Tier 1, 2 @ NCSC.