Acro J! Please Post Your Experience


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Acro J.

Guess you had a successfull interview. Congrats!
Please post your experience.
1. Packet 4 mentiones that the visa fees are not accepted in cash. I am wondering may be this rule has changed from Feb 2002.
2. Packet 4 mentions to get 2 PCCs from India. Is PCC from Indian embassy at US sufficient?.

Success!! Tiresome wait at embassy however great feeling afterwards.

I got my medical from Khosla on Jan 30. He gave me two slips for X ray and Labs after giving me immunisation shots. Got x ray and labs same day. Paid total Rs 3500 total. Went next day and picked up sealed med report and labs and x rays.

Got PCC from Local police station. Some SHO friend called for me and I paid Rs 500 for some voluntary organisation membership. No sweat. Also got Birth Certificate. Tried to get Marriage Certificate however abandoned in 11th hour.

Went Embassy at 8 AM. They checked your baggage after seeing interview letter. After that they let you in and they took my Mobil at counter and gave me a token.
Waited and then called to window and asked for DS 230 part II and other 9003 form. asked me to sign that in Lobby.
In Lobby after few minutes A american Caucasian notary as well as consular officer came and gave collective oath.
Called to window again. asked to deposite the fee. Gave bank drafts. Deposited all drafts togather and give single receipt.
Again Waited from 9 AM to 11.15 Am and then called to checked the documents.

Window Interview at window 14

Please give me all DS 230 I and II form, 9003
Then BC, with copy
give Marriage Certificate
( Still No PCC request!)
arguement that Marriage Certifcate is from USA Indian Embassy so Come back when you get from here registered. Explained that I have Marriage Certificate, Photos of marriage, two Affidatvites from Relatives, marriage card copy.
Stated OK I will put it and leave it to the consular officer.
(Till now finishing the interview and no mention of PCC!!)
No request of I 134
Asked for Emloyment offer Given
Asked for Wife and son\'s documents Given
Ok you go and come back at 4 PM
I am still waiting for request for PCC
Than when we are about to leave. Suddenly as afterthough.
Ohh do you PCC from local and abroad. Given.
OK finalised
Lady a\was very friendly and nice. She knew we were anxious.
Waited for long time. I came back at 2.30 PM and waited till 5.30 PM and then called at window 13. Given me packet with a form attacked stating that I am PERMANANT RESIDENT AND END OF ALL THE MISERIES FOR LAST 9 YEARS. Boy What a feeling.
I hope this gave you a insight
I am thankful, very thankfull to this forum in preparing me for this ordeal.
Let me know If I can be of any help.
Please do not write anything on back of draft issued at USA

One lady had to go back to get Indian Rs. Draft as she wrote on back of USD draft. However do write on back of India\'s issued draft.
My advice about PCC is that It is a nuisance and try to get it in local Police station

I will not go without PCC from USA

My PCC from India simply stated that

_______ s/o -------- resident of ------- do not have any criminal record/adverse information in this Poice station.
Signed by SHO

they also asked for Ration card/evidence of residence in that police station area, passport copy, marriage certificate copy, a typed request for PCC.
Also insist to the lady for your rights and plead for difficuly in obtaining the documents.
Do not go with cash in Rs. Just go with cash to any bank and get drafts.

Wish you a wonderful future.
So they are asking for local PCC.
Howabout paying the fees in cash(Dollars)?

Hi if anyone knows which police station jurisdiction issued the PCC if any one can mention this for refernce.

TOday also I went to the local police station and I was shown a circular not allowing them to issue any PCC.