AC21 Salary Difference....


Registered Users (C)

Anyone has experience with AC21 and new job salary different than Labor Certification. Job description staying similar.

Is it more risky if it's lower or higher?

How much can the difference be? $2000, $5,000???

Thanks for the input. Those with experience could you share and did you/would you inform BCIS of change?
There have been a number of postings from folks who got approvals with a substantial difference in salary. The only thing that matters is whether a person has the job with the same job description as stated in their application.

About whether BCIS has to be informed of the change of job : As per my attorney a job change can be informed when there is a RFE.
one of my colleagues got approved on CP whose labor salary was 15k higher than his real life salary. i don't know if this example is the norm or the exeption that even during an interview, the officer did not ask for paystub.
i agree with saisiree

there are severla people approved with substantial differences in salary.

also, I changed jobs and informed them only in response to an RFE (of course, my job change was VERY close to the date of the RFE), and there are plenty more who did the same.

the only thing to note is that (if possible) keep some job description / skills from the initial application in case of an RFE - lesser chance of questions.
With AC21 , If you have the same job description and salary not a problem as discussed in this thread , would it be a problem if the change of job is from One State to another ? specifically from NY to Boston ?

RD :- 03/22/02
ND :- 04/10/02
how do i know what job description they used in labor certification? I dont have the paper doc with me and i dont want to ask employer.