AC21 and "takeover/mergers" -- any guidelines ???


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I see an update on my online status. Essentially, my status has changed to "RFE sent".
Well, that is kind of good news I guess, [Ateast thay are actively working on my case :) ]But at the same time, I am wondering what is the RFE about ..., under any case I believe that I have to deal with the following scenario and I would appreciate if the "forum gurus" could take some time off to reply me on this.
With the takeover of my previous company X by company Y in the recent past , does it mean that I would have to file AC21 along with the RFE ? [whatever it is ]
Although, my duties, including my depatment and manager etc. have continued to be the same from what was in company X [company X was merged as divison of company Y ] but the HR and payroll deparments have changed completly and they essentially show me as company Y employee.
Are there any guidelines in the AC21 rule under the merger/take over scenaio ? or a startegy members on this forum have followed in the past ?

2nd FP Jan 15th
3rd FP June 6 [they lost the 2nd FP ]
LUD change June 9, June 19
RFE sent June 22
Online status change June 23
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Usually in the case of mergers or takeovers, lawyers file an amendment to the 140 which states the change of name. Unfortunately in your case, that process might hinder more than help since you are so close to approval. There are some old threads on this that you might want to look up.

I would suggest that you not do anything for now, wait and see what the RFE is about, before jumping the gun. If it is just a matter of w2's and tax returns, it is simple enough to provide. But if it asks for an EVL etc. You might want to file AC21. I would discuss this with a lawyer, it needs some serious thought, so you are not penalized for doing the right thing.

Good luck and keep us informed.
In my case acquisition happened before I filed I485. Lawyers from the new company then filed an ammended I140 before my I485 was applied.

However, I do think AC21 may not be applicable here. Check with your lawyer. RFE may not be for this aspect of your case.

Same case as 'aloof' for me...

My company was acquired by another company less than 6 months after application of 485. My new company's lawyers applied for an amended 140 that was approved in a couple of months (around October 2002)
Ac21 is not applicable. My company was also takenover. At that time, they told me 140 ammendment would be filed if 485 has been pending less than 6 months (when the takeover happened). So, for me a my colleagues nothing was done. I know atleast couple people who got approved with RFE recently.
mango_pickle said:
Ac21 is not applicable. My company was also takenover. At that time, they told me 140 ammendment would be filed if 485 has been pending less than 6 months (when the takeover happened). So, for me a my colleagues nothing was done. I know atleast couple people who got approved with RFE recently.

Mano_pickle and others,

Thanks a lot for your responses. The reason I thought, AC21 would be applicable becasue my company was acquired a year and half after filing my 485. For some reasos my lawyer thought nothing was really needed to be done at that point in tme. I am anyway hoping that he had reasons for that line of persual, and I have sent him a seperate mail afte reading the response from so may of you, but anyway I am solicting opinion of wise members of the board which in some case happen to advise more correct approach than the individual lawyers . [I wish had done ths exercise before , but ...]

So again, is'nt AC21 applicable in this case ?
140_takes_4ever said:
Usually in the case of mergers or takeovers, lawyers file an amendment to the 140 which states the change of name. Unfortunately in your case, that process might hinder more than help since you are so close to approval. There are some old threads on this that you might want to look up.

I would suggest that you not do anything for now, wait and see what the RFE is about, before jumping the gun. If it is just a matter of w2's and tax returns, it is simple enough to provide. But if it asks for an EVL etc. You might want to file AC21. I would discuss this with a lawyer, it needs some serious thought, so you are not penalized for doing the right thing.

Good luck and keep us informed.


Thanks for ur response. do you sense trouble here ?

I thought the AC21 would take care of this scenario and amended I-140 was'nt required since it happened 18 months after the 485 applicaton filed .

please advice,

CoolRaj, Be cool! You are unnecessarily sweating! I was in the same situation as you were. Unless your role and duties before take over are completely different after takeover, there is no need for AC21. You did not move to a different company. Not in your hands if your company changes hands. From what I know no ammendment is ncessary if 485 has been pending for more than 6 months when takeover happens. If you are still not confident, shell out a couple hundres and take second opinion from a different lawyer.
I do recommend you following Mango_pickle's advise to be COOL! Thought I don't agree with the fact that since 6 months have passed 140 amendment is not required. It is the prescribed way of dealing with this situation.

I don't think you have anything to worry it is just a matter of working out the technicalities that is all. The reason why I am asking you to take it easy is because INS is under mandate to reduce the RFE process. They might not even get to your company status so this is crossing bridges before you reach them. Companies are bought and sold all the time. This is not a new thing and not your fault. Worst case scenario, you might have to provide press releases etc. which say your company changed hands. Other than that your EVL etc. Should be on target as far as LC is concerned, so no sweat. I would definitely advise you not to worry. But do speak with your lawyer nonetheless to understand the "what if" scenarios. That will give you an idea of how competent the lawyer is, and if you feel not up to the snuff, you can go for a second opinion.
mango_pickle said:
CoolRaj, Be cool! You are unnecessarily sweating! I was in the same situation as you were. Unless your role and duties before take over are completely different after takeover, there is no need for AC21. You did not move to a different company. Not in your hands if your company changes hands. From what I know no ammendment is ncessary if 485 has been pending for more than 6 months when takeover happens. If you are still not confident, shell out a couple hundres and take second opinion from a different lawyer.

Mango pickle,

Thanks for the assurance.

Must admit, ignorance is a bliss, and knowledge causes pains specially when it come late !

So u say that, you are in the same boat and AC21 is not a requirment.

In your friend's approval case did he get an RFE for EVL ?, how exactly he responded to the RFE with regard to this situation. I will appreciate you sharing any info about that

My lawyer is out of town and I will post his response when he reponds.

for the time being I guess, I can put it to rest.


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Nope! He did not get RFE. Straight Approval and the lawyers changed - when the new company took over. Even then, it was a straight approval. Hope I get it too....
I got the following transcript from Sheila Murthy's website. It does says that I-140 need not be refiled, but it does mentions that INS needs to be re-informed. -- Does that consitute to amended I-140 ?? don't know.


Mergers, Acquisitions, Etc. on Pending I-140s and I-485s
Posted Mar 25, 2000

If a company has been acquired, merged or had a significant change in its ownership, the new or reorganized entity is generally considered a successor-in-interest ("Successor") to the originally existing company. In the immigration law context, the Successor is required to submit documentation evidencing that it has assumed the rights, duties, obligations and assets of the original employer and that it will be liable for the employment of the beneficiary subject to the terms set forth in the labor certification and I-140 Petition. Similarly, a company that changed its name or corporate structure would need to meet these requirements.

Traditionally, these requirements by the Successor could have been met in cases where the labor certification (LC) has been approved and the I-140 had not yet been filed, by having the Successor company file the I-140 (immigrant visa petition by employer) with the evidence described above, to reaffirm that the Successor is continuing to offer the employment to the beneficiary in accordance with the information stated on the LC. However, in cases where an I-140 had already been filed without the additional evidence or an I-485 (application to adjust status) had already been filed, and no additional evidence related to this aspect of the petition has been requested by the INS, many would ask whether the company has to start the process over from filing a new I-140 Petition?

There has been a debate among immigration lawyers and the traditional view was that the company that assumed all of the duties and obligations of the predecessor company would have to start the process from filing the Form I-140. So if an I-140 or an I-485 was pending at the time of the company’s merger, acquisition or other change, that petition would have to be re-filed. The more recent view, which seems to make sense from a practical point of view is that, as long as the successor-in-interest agrees to assume all of the obligations of the previous employer with respect to the employment relationship, including agreeing to be liable to the U.S. Department of Labor for the prevailing wage, the job location, job duties and other factors, as set forth in the 750 A forms and to the INS as set forth in the I-140 Petition, with respect to the permanent nature of the job, etc., the INS will allow the process to continue, without the requirement of having to start the process over.

In a recent liaison meeting with attorneys of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) the California Service Center (CSC) recently announced its intention to follow the latter interpretation. The head of the Residence Product Division of the CSC has agreed to the following:

If an I-140 is pending at the time that the company changes, according to the CSC, "no action is required" until the completion of the I-140 stage. Evidence of the "bona fides" of the Successor should be submitted at the time of filing the I-485 application

The CSC will allow applicants to supplement the file on an existing I-485 by submitting evidence of the "bona fides" of the Successor that shows that the same position and compensation, etc. are still offered. The CSC has confirmed will not require re-filing of the I-140 or the I-485.

In order to avoid having such evidence routed through the correspondence process, the attorney should clearly establish on the cover letter that attached documents are for consideration in connection with a pending I-485 application, based on CSC/AILA concurrence and make clear reference to the I-485 Receipt number.

In general, we at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C. have observed, even with the other Service Centers, that as long as the successor-in- interest agrees to be liable for the employment of the foreign national employee as set forth in the documents submitted to the INS at the I-140 or even the I-485 stage, the process has been continued by the INS.

Please note that many important procedures with INS, for example mergers and successors-in-interest, are not specifically addressed in the immigration statutes or regulations but have been the subject of numerous INS Memoranda as well as letters and announcements to AILA and its member attorneys, because of our intense lobbying efforts to help companies and their employees. Please note that if there is a change in the law, these advisory opinions are not binding on the INS, though the INS and the affected companies and their employees tend to rely heavily on such advisory opinions. "
Thanks for the posting

Company A filed I-485 for me and was aquired by company B one month later. My lawyer (same lawyer) didn't file 140 amendment. Unfortunately I got REF and INS received reply on Jun 14, 2004. In the letter, lawyer indicated my case doesn't need 140 amendment. Not sure it is right but will let you know if I have a approval.
It will be interesting to read your lawyer's reasoning on why 140 amendment was not required. Could you please post that information here? It will VERY useful to a lot of people.

Surprisingly if one were to voluntarily (or even some times involuntarily) change jobs 6 months after AoS Pending (assuming I-140 has been approved), the Adjustee is covered under AC-21. Another one of those stupid inconsistencies in the Immigration Law.

140_takes_4ever said:
Thought I don't agree with the fact that since 6 months have passed 140 amendment is not required. It is the prescribed way of dealing with this situation.
Very similar situation


Let me just share my experience on that issue (BTW, my case is still pending) without giving any advise.

My company also has been acquired/merged by other company at the time, when I485 has been pending for more than a year.
My position/salary remains a same, but the company immigration lawyer decided to notify of this change to INS proactively before receiving RFE. Actually, I was not aware of this letter (A21 notification???), and frankly, I was opposing that. From the other point I though it will trigger something in my case (I have been waiting more than year without any activity). It does not triggered anything...

Half year later, I changed company again (very similar occupation, salary), because of company relocation to other state. I decided to keep the lawyer.
Layer recommended to notify INS again, but I convinced to wait for RFE.

Five month later from the time I joined 3rd company I got RFE requesting W-2, pay stubs and EVL. Lawyer responded very quickly with necessary info and A21 notification.

Now, it is been more that half year, since I replied to RFE and done 2FPs...I am not sure what delaying my approval (A21 to blame ???). Sent numerous inquiries. Just three weeks ago got response that my case passed name check...What else do they need.... :mad:

I would say your lawyer is a smart person to have been proactive on these things. I doubt AC21 is holding your case back. It is just inefficiency on the part of INS. Ping INS via a couple of faxes and ask a congressman/Senator to step in and help. It might shake your file loose. Good luck!
140_takes_4ever said:

I would say your lawyer is a smart person to have been proactive on these things. I doubt AC21 is holding your case back. It is just inefficiency on the part of INS. Ping INS via a couple of faxes and ask a congressman/Senator to step in and help. It might shake your file loose. Good luck!
Thanks 140_takes_4ever,

Hope you are right about A21 not holding case back. Just something tells me that when officer picks-up the case he is been thinking: "Hmmm…., changed job three times. Let me pickup and approve easier case. I will go back to this case later (when time permits)". :confused:

Tried senator. So far no help.