AC21 and Employers Ability to Pay


Registered Users (C)
Recently I got laid off and switched to another job(startup) 2 months back.
Currently I might get another offer from a startup company with same job title/responsibility, with better work and better pay. This new company has around 15 employees, 6 months old with enough funding for 2 years. I have few questions here.
1) Can I switch multiple jobs using AC21
2) In case if there is an RFE for Employer's ability to pay, would there be a problem because of new startup of 6 months old? mainly because there may not be a tax return/financial statement from the company.

Any suggestions would really help me.
They check financial status and other company related stuff during 140. I don't think they would check but you never know. I guess they are allowed to check anything they want to before approval.

Sorry... I don't think I have a better answer for your question.
i got layoff from my company back in october 2003 , i found a job 5 month ago in a startup company , this company is still loosing money . and they have 60 emplyee , i was issued a refrence for 1 year paystub and company letter , the ins did not ask any thing about the company finishal , and i got approved , so i guess its ok in your case