AC 21 Similar job clause


Registered Users (C)
My 140 and EAD have been approved. On August 10th it will be 180 days since I applied for 485. My problem is that my contract at the client place is ending Jun 29th. So I have another 6 weeks before I cross the 180 day deadline. What are my options in case I get laid off in these coming 6 weeks?
My labor certification mentions my position as 'Software Engineer'. If I accept a position of 'Software QA Engineer' with a new employer, will it be okay?
If anyone could make some suggestions regarding my situation I would be much obliged. Thanks a lot in advance!
parameshwara said:
My 140 and EAD have been approved. On August 10th it will be 180 days since I applied for 485.
My problem is that my contract at the client place is ending Jun 29th.
--what is the problem if contract at the client place is ending Jun 29th? do you mean the employer will fire you after the project at client site is over? if the answer is NO then no need to worry, if your are on H1 still your employer need to pay you by law, project ends or no project you have been employed by him, it has nothing to do with project ends.
So I have another 6 weeks before I cross the 180 day deadline. What are my options in case I get laid off in these coming 6 weeks?

---- if get laid off no problem, if employer does not send any letter to USCIS before august 10 to Revoke I-140, if you feel he is not going to send this kind of letter to USCIS then no problem find new job
My labor certification mentions my position as 'Software Engineer'. If I accept a position of 'Software QA Engineer' with a new employer, will it be okay?
---that is OK, GC is future job and your need to do the same job with skills as on LC, join now and when you send new employer FUTURE Permanent job offer letter to use AC21 then on that letter better write the same title, job duties as on LC, becase that job is supposed to be done after I-485 approval.

If anyone could make some suggestions regarding my situation I would be much obliged. Thanks a lot in advance!