AC-140, Mumbai, January CP interview ---lets start a new thread here


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MY AC-140 packet was mailed to mumbai on Oct 25th by FedEx and was received at the Mumbai consulate front desk on Oct 29th.
I would appreciate people doing AC-140 at Mumbai and expecting a Jan 2002 interview post their details here.
My Details...

Hi Ud:

Seems like we are the only two people who have sent the AC-140 (or to that matter Pkt 3) to Mumbai :)

Here\'s my details:
- EB2
- AC-140
- Mumbai
- Packet mailed through UPS on October 25th
- Packet reached Mumbai on October 29th (Guy named Suresh Patil signed it)

Hope to get a January 2002 Interview !
One question


I am a newbie in these matters. My AC-140 application was mailed
to the embassy on the 25th Oct. I was wondering how to contact the embassy to know if they have received the packet.

In your case, has a case number been created ?

Join the gang :)

Hi Sunil,
no, we don\'t know if the case has been created. Well, from what I hear, the best way to know the progress is to send an email query to the mumbai consulate. they seem to be good about replying emails.
Did you fedex your AC140? Do you know when it reached there? Let\'s keep in touch,
good luck!
looks like, ther\'s one more guy in the same boat as us....

Hi Waitnwatch,
Do you know any progress in your case? Do you know if the have created your case yet? Please do keep us posted. Thanks!
packet-3 received at mumbai on 25 oct

Hi Guys,
My packet-3 reached mumbai on oct 25th. So, I\'m not sure if I am lookinng at a Jan or a Feb interview.
Also, I was born in AP and should have technically been assigned to the chennai consulate, but they assigned me to the mumbai consulate. I\'m not sure if that would be a bid deal.

Case Number

Mumbai consulate will let you know or rather your lawyer the case number within two days. My particulars are as follows:

Pkt3 mailed on Oct.17 through Airborne
Received on Oct 22.
Got case number on Oct 23.
Consulate e-mailed the case number to my lawyer.

I am hoping for a December interview but chances are that I might not get it in December.
Got the case number on phone

   I waited for the reply to my email for 5/6 days and then I called them last night. The number is (022) 363 7407 or 363 7408 and you need to call between 2 to 4 pm Indian Time! They told me the case number and also said I might get Dec interview.
Hi ud & others:

I don\'t any case details. Just that it reached there on October 29th.

I tried calling consulate - 363 740 7/8 (after getting up at 4 in the morning !!!!). But was not successful. I also asked my parents to try calling the consulate. That also did not work.

So, I will keep on trying and thinking of sending them email today.

Hi Khardenavis:

Can you post your details? If they said you can expect December Interview, then when did it reach?

AC-140 with I-824 Receipt or with I-824 Approval?

hi khardenavis and others:

have you folks sent AC-140 papers to Mumbai with I-824 Receipts or with I-824 Approvals? My I-824 receipt is dated 8/20/01 but my Coporate lawyers refused to send papers to Mumbai without I-824 Approval. if only I-824 receipt was sent, is proving economic hardship and not waiting for I-824 a concern....would appreciate if you could share your thoughts.

My Regional INS center is Vermont and guess you know how that goes....yes ofcourse my I-824 approval is still pending!! come january if my interview date is not fixed at mumbai i will be wondering why i chose the AC-140 route?:-(

AC-140 means you are sending the with I-824 receipt notice. Because if you wait for approval of I-824, then you loose ALL the benefits of saving time...

Just my two cents :)
Only receipt reqd

That\'s right. Senwho, look at the paragraph "How do I request consular processing of a pending employment-based case? " of Mumbai Consulate website. It only needs I-824 receipt.
Got my case # ....

Just now was able to get through to talk to operator !!!! (Its 4.23 am)

The operator gave me case number BMB2001XXXXXX

Operator also told me that they have mailed me packet-3 and that I should fill it up and then only they will process it further or something like that.

Did not give me tentative interview time frame.


Now I have seen some posts mentioning of "consulate sending P3". Does anyone know if this is "normal"? Do I have to send back the papers?
Does this mean no interview date till I send them back??

Please post if you know something about this.

AC-I140 with packet 3


My attorney has submitted AC-I140 application and packet III on my behalf on 22nd Oct 2001. The Consulate has received the application on 29th Oct 2001. I followed up with the Consulate subsequently to find out the status of my Application. During my conversation with the Officer at the Information Desk, I was informed that the packet III documents were not enclosed with the Application. But he gave me case number. I also sent two emails to consulate. NO RESPONSE.

So I sent Packet III again, it is expected to reach by 6\'th Nov.

Keep me posted your experience.

Thanks in advance

First operator told me the same

Hi waitnwatch,

           I was also told that pkt 3 has been sent. So I called again and a different operator talked to me. She said they already have my pkt 3 and don\'t need more. I just have to wait for my appointment letter and pkt 4.
Folks: Did any of you do an AC-I140 on your own?

Did any of you send your AC-I140 on your own?

I sent my AC-I140 ON MY OWN (with ORIGINAL I-824 receipt and ORIGINAL I-140 approval notice + PACKET-3) around Oct. 15th. I had provided my e-mail address in my covering letter, but no e-mails from Bombay so far.

Subsequently, I sent the consulate an e-mail on 10/23/2001. No response from them so far.

Anybody with similar timelines, who is attempting AC-CP on his/her own?