AC-140 Interview date ?


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My lawyer opted for AC140 - Bombay consulate and sent the package on 08/06/2003. The Consul assigned a case number BMB 200322XXXX. The lawyer received the email from bombay consul on 08/13/2003.

Any guess as to when can I expect the interview ?

Will it be October or November ?

Does it make sense to call the Bombay Consulate and ask them the tentative dates ?

Please help !!
Normally cp with AC I-140 is scheduled in about 3-4 months after Bbay receives the AC I-140 papers. SO somewhere around Nov-December time frame.

Contact rohufish on this immigration forum as his papers were receievd by bbay about a month back. May be a good idea to touch base with rohufish!

Also another friend of mine receievd an email from bbay 5/22 with his case number for AC I-140 and was told recently he would be scheduled mostly in sept or latest october. Bbay sept list was published a while back and I have left a voice mail for this friend to find out if he got into september interview list.

There is no harm done contacting bbay consulate via email ( / by phone (Phone: (91 22) 2363-7407/ 7408 between 9am-4pm indian standard time) to find out the status but just that it may be early right now to find out. Best time to call is 9am IST...11:30 pm EST
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question to divekar..

Hi Divekar,
I am naive to this AC140 situation. but just a simple question.
If someone choose to go AC140 route...the steps are still same..correct? case to NVC...then receiving packet3...sending back..packet4.
OR is it something different in case of AC140.

which one is better? or are they same?
AC140 or 140 directly going to NVC ( as CP option chosen)?

This site will clearly explain AC I-140 process:

To start with one needs to meet the criteria to file for AC I-140.

AC I-140 process is different in a way from the regular CP process.

Again not all consulates accept AC I-140 application. Not knowing what consulate you will be going to, it is difficult to answer your questions.

1. Consulate?
2. What stage are you at?
3. Have you opted for 485 or cp?

Hi Divekar,
Sorry I didnt mention everything.

I am at I-140 stage in CSC
I think the attorney have opted for CP.
My consulate will be Mumbai.

So, Is it true that If I go with AC140, then I don't need to go through NVC-packet3 sending back and forth stages...

Thanks for your help.
AC I-140 is a process for those folks who opted for 485/ for those who opted for cp but INS made a mistake registering their case as 485 and who now want to change process to CP by filing I-1824.

To make the story short, since you have originally opted for CP you will not be eligible for AC I-140. This means that you will have to go thru the regular CP process. Time for you to get the CP interview is time for I-140 approval (1 month) + time for cp interview from the time of I-140 approval (6-7 months) = If all goes well and there is no RFE in I-140 process then expect a CP interview in March/ April 2004.

You can save about a month by being proactive in certain CP sub steps which you can find out by doing some research on this cp immigration forum.
Thanks Divekar

Thanks a lot for your quick replies..
This site is wonderful.

Thanks to Rajiv Khanna for making this happen! Without Rajiv's efforts this way of information sharing was just a dream!

Many thanks to Rajiv for making this dream come true!
about PCC

I agree divekar.
I have tried many other sites. None has as many users and as much information as this website has. One don't even need to consult an attorney if smart enough and follows these discussions.

I have some questions about PCC. When is the ideal time to apply for PCC to indian consulate-SFO? It's valid for one year,right?

I heard NVC requests PCC before they send your packet4. So, should I apply for PCC as soon as I get I140 approval?

Although NVC web site mentions that they do no need pcc, at least in my case they specifically requested all documents such as pcc and birth certificate with birth affidavits (if any) while filing p3 with nvc.

Assuming same is required in your case, i'd suggest apply for your pcc only AFTER your i-140 is approved. Because it takes about 7-8 weeks before you get the actual p3 from nvc. And it takes about 6-7 weeks to get the pcc from sfo consulate general office. So after I-140 approval is an ideal time to apply for pcc. And it takes about 3-4 months after sending p3 for a candidate to get the cp interview.

eg: your I1-40 gets approved 1st oct. apply for pcc 1st week of oct. Simultaeously your cp sub-steps are happening at nvc end. In about 2 months from your I-140 approval you wil get p3 packet from nvc and around same time your pcc from sfo consulate office. So your pcc will be issued lets say 1st dec 03 ..then it will be valid until end of april 04. If you mail your p3 by 1st week of dec you will more han likely get interview in about 3-4 months from that time. Obviously the assumption is that all documents were provided to nvc as requested and there were no glitches.
Just wanted to close the loop on one of the comments i made in a reply above. A friend of mine filed AC I-140 who got an email from bbay on 5/22 that case was created. Just wanted to let you all know that he has got september interview. So it is averaging 3.5-4 months for AC I-140 process from the time the consulate reeives the papers.
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Hi Bombay2003,

Could you give us update on your case, such as expected date for interview etc.

I am planning to send AC-140 papers to Mumbai some time this month (wating for I-824 receipt). When do you think I can expect the interview?

My lawyer will be sending following papers to Mumbai
1) Original I-140 approval notice
2) Complete I-140 petition paper work
3) I 824 receipt.
4) DS 230
5) OF 189
6) Recidency proof (Pages from passport, visa issued in mumbai,
degree certificates)
7) Letter claiming hardship in wating for AOS
8) Cover letter which contains lawyers email address.

Is that the complete list. Do you see anything missing?
Thank you.
I am planning to send AC-140 papers to Mumbai some time this month (wating for I-824 receipt). When do you think I can expect the interview?
ANSWER: Normally 3-4 months from the date consulate acknowledges receipt of your AC I-140 packet and sends your attorney an email with a case number. But with 7 holidays (approx 2 working weeks) between today and Jan 1 2004 and especially the holiday atmosphere it may take about 3.5-4.5 months.
KDiveker, Thanks for your reply.

Looking at Visa issue stats in Mumbai one would observe that the no. of visa issued has droped in last two months, and lesser interviews scheduled for Sep.

April-03 1,208
May-03 1,309
June-03 1,427
July-03 824
August-03 725
September-03 954 (IVs Scheduled)

One could interprete it in two ways 1) less applications are coming in, so any one who sends papers now would get the interview eariler than normal. 2) They have slowed down processing, so any one who sends papers now would get the interview later than normal.

I am just hoping that I don't get an interview in December, it would be exrtemely painfull to get air-tickets in December, especially at a very short notice.

It is a combination of point 1 and 2. In the sense, less applns are coming to bbay consulate and at the same time bbay consulate is accepting certain cases from New Delhi and Ac I-140 rejection cases from Chennai. This is truly my impression!

Not yet. Hoping to get it in November. I will be updating my status in the following thread:

Likely CP Candidates for November 2003 @Mumbai Consulate

Good luck!!