ABCD and FOBs. Here you go


Registered Users (C)
I know there are things in every category that most of you won't like and i'll get hate-messages from fellow memebers. But what the heck.. here it goes, Help yourself:

Category FOBs high grade: You are a high grade FOB if-

1. you don't know what NHL, NBA and NFL stands for
2. word football still means "Soccer" to you
3. you're single and never been to a bar/club
4. enjoying the weekend means renting VHS/DVD from indian store and visiting downtown
5. you don't understand the rules of football game
6. you keep up with cricket score of every game that india plays.
7. when you meet someone from india, your fav question is: "When are you going to india for a visit"
8. when you meet a single from india, your fav question is: "When are you getting married"
9. gym is not the place for you. Playing tennis is enough. think all ABCD females are sluts
11. you still think white females will be all over you only if you let them

Category FOBs Medium grade: You are a Medium grade FOB if -

1. You know what NBA, NHL and NFL is but never been to any NHL/NBA/NFL game
2. Renting Indian movies more than once a month
3. You're single, been to bars/clubs but never tried hooking up with anyone
4. You watch football games but only just in case someone asks at work
5. You tried hard to get some numbers at the bar/club you went to last night
6. Never dated anyone who is not indian

Category Yuppy FOB: You are yuppy if-

1. You fight with your spouse over remote control to watch NFL/NBA games
2. Heck, you don't even miss NHL games
3. you're depressed monday morning because your fav NFL team lost the sunday game
4. You been playing fency football and pool at work
5. You've been getting phone calls from someone you met in the bar last night
6. Bouncers at the famous night club /bar in the downtown recognize you
7. your Hall of fame who you've dated includes most of the races

Category ABCD: You are hardcore ABCD if-
1. You avoid eye-contacts with a fellow FOB
2. You think people in india still live in stone-age
3. you're female and think all males in india are abusive, and will demand dowery if you marry one from there.
4. you firmly believe arranged marriage is a horrible idea
5. you are ashamed of your parent's accent
6. you wear same black coat(not leather one) when going out. You know what I'm talking about
7. you're a female and have a white\black boyfriend
8. you're a female and have an asian boyfriend (chinese\japs)
9. you're a male and you only date white girls. All indian girls are like sister to you.
10. You don't know what hinduism stands for. You think its a dark-age religion.
11. You look forward to Xmas and thanksgiving, more than you looks forward to your own festivals.
Quick Question...

I thought the same.What the heck, here it goes...
Where do you stand?

Its so funny commenting on all residents in US in your own context...
No offence...
What if an FOB or ABCD say what does " " stand for and you cant explain it...
In his/her context there is a meaning for " " and may be not for you... :)

Dude, live in your world....Dont suggest all to keep their fingers crossed by watching sports during a nice holiday rather than enjoying skiing,biking,moivie with girl firends...

Just a suggestion to all FOB's and ABCD's, dont have to care for suggestions on what other people want us to do..
If you dont know what is NFL, who cares. Do this guy/gal who started this forum(VivekM) might care? I think he/she really does have lots of time....

I frankly dont care what the sh.. is going on...
Enjoy and live in your world....

Amongst all the categories, it looks like Yuppie FOBs are the only married ones or was it.........................
You are a Stale Off Boat (SOB) - term based on patienceGC's earlier message:

you are here for several years but still single
you have dated caucasian women
you have considered seriously marrying a caucasian woman
you like roti and dal but crave for a nice steak and potato dinner
you go to the sports bar and women hit on you
when you talk, people don't ask you to repeat 'path' because it did not sound like 'bath'
you like going to standup comedy even when your friends find it not amusing
you like masala but your jacket does not smell like it
you spend months without watching a hindi movie but cannot spend 2 days without watching jay leno
you would fly to avoid a 6 hour drive
you enjoy bowling with your abcd cousin and her caucasian boyfriend
your abcd cousin seeks your advice because he has relationship/career questions in college
you learn football not to talk at work but you recognize the strategy aspects in the game
you go golfing with coworkers
you don't think every american/abcd woman is a slut but you bet you can find it out in one single date.... :) :) :)
Re: Quick Question...

Originally posted by skn2k
Enjoy and live in your world....

dude, be a sport.

althought vivek's comments may be a bit heavy on the sports and dating side, there is nothing that should offend anyone.
skn2k, no offence taken. Post was meant for fun, not to pinpoint anything on anyone. As for time, I do take my time whenever I feel like and whenever I can. I guess just an observation as we spend years and years in this country and new generation of H1Bs/L/J/F arrive and get absorbed in the society.

Chicken65, black coat was just an observation whenevr I went out when I was single, most of ABCDs I met were so much into that black coat.

dma_va, maybe you are right.. who else can fight for remote control :)
there is only one black coat. but 2 kind of leather jackets.
one is indian style jacket(not that soft leather and full with desing, lots of chain, lots of pockets, waves etc.) and other one is american(soft leather, only 2 pockets and simple design)
one can identify fob or abcd by the leather jacket.
all fobs have ultra designed leather jacket.
its my observation.
am gujju, you may be right, i have not necessarily noted that as a trend.

everyone - please be respectful to others while you post in threads like this. i am not saying that anyone has gone out of bound but the other thread (Indiatoday) seems to be reaching a stage where it may have to be deleted.

i urge you all to participate in these threads in the spirit of the discussion and with an open mind. all views are welcome. but remember you can express the strongest views without pointing fingers and without being abusive.

so, if you respond to what vivek wrote earlier (or what i wrote later) in this thread, please keep this in mind.

this forum is for immigration related issues and this is indeed an issue related to immigrants. may be not legal but the social aspects.
Re: FOB?

Originally posted by GCGCHUNTER
Isn't = F**k On Bed ?
or = Free On Bed?

gchunter - what do you mean. are you indicating that a FOB usually sleeps alone(free) or what are you trying to say? are you talking about sexually activity. or were just being silly.

can you please comment?

What are you when:
1. Even ABCD girls hit on you?? ;)
2. You hate football cuz:
a. It sounds so oxymoronish as the only times they use
their feet is when they either kick for a field goal or a
b. It is played by a bunch of overgrown, sweating and
dumb neanderthals on steroids.
c. They wear protective gear and each thinks he is superman
d. It puts a sport like Rugby to shame.
e. Mention of FIFA brings out a big "huh?" from the public
because of the misnomer.
3. You find yourself explaining to your ABCD friends the essence
of the book Lexus and the Olive Tree.
4. You got a bunch of friends from the "hood" ;)

Originally posted by Bobby V
You are a Stale Off Boat (SOB) - term based on patienceGC's earlier message:

you are here for several years but still single
you have dated caucasian women
you have considered seriously marrying a caucasian woman
you like roti and dal but crave for a nice steak and potato dinner
you go to the sports bar and women hit on you
when you talk, people don't ask you to repeat 'path' because it did not sound like 'bath'
you like going to standup comedy even when your friends find it not amusing
you like masala but your jacket does not smell like it
you spend months without watching a hindi movie but cannot spend 2 days without watching jay leno
you would fly to avoid a 6 hour drive
you enjoy bowling with your abcd cousin and her caucasian boyfriend
your abcd cousin seeks your advice because he has relationship/career questions in college
you learn football not to talk at work but you recognize the strategy aspects in the game
you go golfing with coworkers
you don't think every american/abcd woman is a slut but you bet you can find it out in one single date.... :) :) :)
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WheresMahGreen, if i am interpreting this correctly, you seem to be quite a 'rangeela' guy..................... :)