A year ago...


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Just a year ago one of my colleague, who filled his AOS exactly 5 days before I did, got his GC. He got it a year ago and I am still waiting. I call my lawyer every weeks to get an update. After 5 fax inquiries, nothing, RFE submitted in December. They work on many applications and didn't get any approval for a while, this is what they are telling me. My RD is far back early in Sep. 2001.

My FP might have expired as far as INS is concerned. As far as I am concerned my FP will never expire until the day I expire.

I used already 4 APs. A lot of fun to wait in the INS office at the immigration.

Well patience is the mother of all vertues, but at this point I don't even know or even remember what I am waiting for.

One day the GC will arrive and I will think, "oh it finally arrived, I forgot a little bit about this". You know like some mail you received after a too long wait. At the end you lose hope and forget about it.

Well I don't want to forgot and I want to hope but hopeless is the INS at the CSC.

Petition, letters, fax inquiries, email and so on are useless, hopeless. I know what I am talking about I tried all that already.

"Everything is for the best in the best of the world"
yeah... i filed 485 at the same time with my co-worker - actually we car pooled to the lawyer's office together. now he's been enjoying his freedom for almost a year and i'm still waiting for any little tiny possible thing from INS. the only diff between two of us is that i took fp a week later than him.

one year ago i told my mom that green card was on the way. now i have learned to keep my mouth shut. let's just do whatever we are supposed to do. don't let those idiots break our own lives.

forgetting is a good thing, if there's no way you can predict it.

We are also in the same boat as yours. A lot of people after us got their GCs long back and we are patiently waiting. The big question is 'What is that I am waiting for?' .

Well, let's keep some more patience, which we are not short of.

Meanwhile enjoy life! How about having a party?
I really feel for you guys...

In my office a lot of guys got their green cards in 6-7 months ( most of them May/June/July 2001 filers )..and I used to curse my luck ..since my I-140 got a bit delayed and I had to file in Oct 2001. Then I cursed some more since my ND turned out to be 1 month later due to the anthrax scare at that time, then I cursed the fact that I was in san jose and it took 6 months to get FP notice, then I got depressed when others got approved and INS shut down in Nov..after generating an RFE for me..but it all worked out. I too had put my life on hold for this ...and since the past 1 month after getting my GC stamped I could breathe easy a bit (touch wood), start looking at life beyond the immigration process, getting involved with your community. Your time will come. In the meantime hang on to your jobs and hope for the best.

Truly Sorry! This totally sucks! In my case, the stupid para legal assigned to my case screwed up my job posting for RIR during my labor, and I found out about it only 6 months after the fact. So yeah they had to re do the whole thing, in the middle of which the April 30 black hole for 245(i) came up. It took me 18 months to clear labor. People who applied with my initially have received their green cards for the past year or so. BUT people who were one week after me are STILL waiting for labor. It has been 2 years for them, can you beat that? When I look back at that time, I think while I was unlucky to have not gotten my GC, atleast I was lucky enough not to fall into the major black hole. Not really a good consolation, but some days it actually works!

I do hope you and the rest of the people waiting for their green cards get it soon. I feel terrible to see SillyMan's life on hold because of these idiots, to see PCee hanging around in this limbo and not complaining about it. And that is to name a few.

Well our time will come, just that we shouldn't forget about this time when we have the power to change it. Once we get citizenships, we will kick butt, I promise you. We should probably stay in touch some how and get back together once we have a voice, and express it loud and clear!
it's not a curse or bad luck
may be you can check with your friend about the priority dates
priority dates may be the key in those cases
i am not so sure
check with them and post

It is definitely not a curse or bad luck, it is just bloody incompetence by INS!

I don't know what you are smoking, but I am amazed you are trying to trivialize OVER an years wait by caviar and others. There is no excuse in my book for a government organization to take such a long period of time in adjucating cases. I don't care what the freaking PD or RD is, if someone has been waiting for more than 6 months then every day over is torture!
How about the following timelines?

1999 (4th year of H1B): Apply for GC thro' a startup company :)

Jan 2001 (6th year of H1B) : I-140 arrives on the same week as the sponsoring startup company shuts its door :(

Apr 2001: Apply GC thro' current company

Aug 2001: Go thro' 7th year H1B extension ordeal :(

Sep 2001: Passport stuck at state department for 3 months due to 9/11 and Anthrax (resulting in India trip cancellation)

Sep 2002: Apply for EAD (RD: 09/10/02) - still waiting for EAD processing to proceed beyond 09/09/02 :(

Dec 2002:
- Apply for 1st Interim EAD
- Apply for 8th year H1B extension

Mar 2002:
- Apply for 2nd Interim EAD

- AP will expire soon
- 8th year H1B extension in progress
- EAD processing is stuck at 09/09/02
- No signs of life with FP & I-485 process

I came to US more than 7 years ago (currently on my 8th year H1B and 5th year of GC processing) - I wonder what went wrong with my life...
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