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A# urgent


Registered Users (C)
Hey Everybody,
Do you keep your A# for life?? I was given an A# with my EAD when I applied for OPT. My OPT has since ended and I am back in school with my old EAD card having expired 5/31/08. Is that still my A# for the purpose of my application or did the A# become non-existent once my EAD expired?

Many Thanks.
hey everybody,
do you keep your a# for life?? I was given an a# with my ead when i applied for opt. My opt has since ended and i am back in school with my old ead card having expired 5/31/08. Is that still my a# for the purpose of my application or did the a# become non-existent once my ead expired?

Many thanks.

u can write that a# down but it will change when u receive ur greencard.