A tourist visa overstayed - any possibility for a renewal?


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My girlfriend has already overstayed her tourist visa for a few months!

She entered USA with a J1 - then transfered to B2 and extended it once after! But her B2 already expired...

Is there a posibility that she can try to renew her visa to a "Work Visa" (sorry don't know which type exactly) - because from one company they want to hire her and help her with renewing her legal status!
Or because she lost her visa already she can't have another one now? Is it too late?

We're planning a wedding anyway later on, so if nothing else can help her now, then I'll marry her!

Thank you!
People get married for various reasons, this should not be one of them. Having said that, if you two do intend to marry in the long run, she will be "fine" once her I-485 is submitted.

We're planning a wedding anyway later on, so if nothing else can help her now, then I'll marry her!