A thread for Nov, 2001 people


Registered Users (C)
Any updates for Nov. 2001 people?

My same old:
RD: 11/2001
ND: 12/2001
FP: 03/2002
RFE: 03/2003 and received by BCIS 04/2003
Nothing new since then,

waiting for 2nd FP and AD

Sailing the same boat

RD: 11/2001
ND: 11/2001
FP: 04/2002
RFE: 07/2003
RFE Reply: 072003
AD: _________

A long pause before AD _______ :confused:
RD: 11/2001
ND: 12/2001
FP: 07/2002
RFE: 04/2003 and received by BCIS 05/2003
nothing since then

RD:11 Nov' 2001

EAD3: Ready to renew(hopefully I need not)
AD: ------------------------(not even an RFE)

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Truly Robert Frost was clairvoyant... he must have seen visions of INS/BCIS working

Any more Nov 01 waiting?

Please give us some feedback of your updates, or aren't we the only november gang of four left?

RD: 11/2001
ND: 12/2001
1st FP: 04/2002
RFE: 05/2003 and received by BCIS 06/10/2003
2nd FP: 08/2003
Hi ChiGC00,

one question for you - did you have to do something for requesting
2nd FP or did they send it on their own?


I was not requested for 2nd FP .. BCIS sent me 2nd FP notice and I gave my FP before scheduled date..
Thanks Raj,

Your approval is definitely a cheer up for us. Seems to me your local transfer works out for you pretty well, at least you didn't go through the 2nd FP.


RD 11/27/2001
ND 12/04/2003
FP 05/30/2002
RFE Replied 05/13/2003

2002 1st EAD
2003 2nd EAD
Ready to aplly for 3rd EAD.

Per Rupnet, two more Nov 01 fellows got approved yesterday, isn't that a loverly news?

Mark L and Mandrake, congratulations! Would you please share your details with us here?


First time I have seen only NSC approvals on rupnet. Even though the approvals are for 2001 cases but its encouraging thing.
Interview Letter Received!

Hi !
RD: 11/26/2001
ND: 11/27/2001
First FP: 4/12/2002
RFE: 4/18/2003
RFE Response sent: 6/20/2003
Local Transfer: 7/1/2003

2nd FP: August 12, 2003..done!

[B}Interview Date: October 9, 2003[/B]

First EAD: Expired December 2002
Second EAD: Expiring December 2003
Third EAD: Applied on 6/20/2003, transfered to local office 08/28/2003

First AP: Expired January 2003 (applied in Nov 2001)
Second Expiring Septemeber 2003 (applied in August 2002 for second AP)
Third AP: Transfered to local ofice on 8/27/2003; Approval received on Sept 14, 2003 for one year

Only 4or 5 people in NOV 01 RD???

Any more Nov 2001 RD people waiting for Approvals(EAD/AP/485). Anyone at all???
One November Approval on rupnet a few days back

Is that all? Anyone still waiting for approval???
Any RFEs atleast ???
As most of us are, I am frustrated, sick and tired.
Did sign the petition, did apply for the 3rd EAD(of need) and hoping that something will trigger the case to be looked at. What else can I do?

I have not been RFEd or FPd 2nd time nothing......... I hope those redneck b~@#$%^s are doing atleast something productive in their lives. God! Bless Them and Make them extremely happy, that they quit their jobs to someone more understanding, this is my curse to the people involved in causing us this agony.

It is just sheer maddening silence. Sorry people I just had to vent out.

RUPNET ID :avpraghav
Please count me in.

RD Nov 30 '01
ND Dec 4 '01
FP May 7 '02
RFE Apr 22 '03
2nd FP Sep 30 '03
AD:mad: :( .................:D

Don't feel so depressed, buddy. You are definitely not alone. I notice that both of us belong to that Lin02050xx group, which shows an Everest like peak in one of the Greenland report. But our days will surely come, too. BTW, even though I got RFEd on late March and the reply was received early April, still same thing as you. Also been waiting for the 2nd FP.

Have a good weekend,

Thanks Shamu--

for the kind words. I guess we will have to just gather the grit and press ahead with life. I am sorry I just lost it for a few moments........

Have a good weekend.