A scenario: fate and irony !!


Registered Users (C)
RD 10/01/01
ND 11/20/01
FP 03/14/02
EAD 01/24/02
H1-expired (3 yrs) on Oct. 1, 2002

So it's 1 year + 20 days since applied for I-485.

About 15 years ago I was friends with a girl who lived accross from our house. After a year or two they moved away. We lost our contact. Last time I saw her was in 1994 when she visited our neighborhood. After some time I heard that she was doing some modeling and working in her dad's ad agency.

I am a single guy who is 29 years old. So my parents have been on look out for a girl. They had registered my name in some marriage bureau long time ago. But I am still single. :)

On October 2, 2002 I received an e-mail from that girl. Her parents apparently registered her name in the same marriage bureau. The bureau handed over some potential matches to her and my name and e-mail address was among that stack.

After exchanging some e-mails and talking over the phone I realize that she is the "one." I went all over the US to find a girl. Thanks to those Indian dating websites. But the one I liked the most was once lived block away from our house. :)


Can I marry that girl and bring her to US anytime soon.
Her parents want her to get married in next month or two.

Please reply guys I don't know what to do ..
I don't know about the immigration piece of the equation, but if she qualifies to be a Model, you should definitely marry her! ;-)

Worst case scenario, she will be a F-1 in this country for a few years studying something interesting until you upgrade to citizenship. Then you can get her a GC. (Maybe in 3-4 years). The only downside is that she can't work during this time.

I am not sure if GC carrying people are entitled to get their spouses an H-4 like visa the way H-1's are entitled to do. Maybe other people in the forum know.
you lost a good opportunity

if you still had H-1 visa, she could come to US with H-4 visa if you were still working on H-1. however, your h-1 expired. so if you two get merry now, she needs to wait for three years begin from the time you file family base I-485. or you can help her to get a job offer in us so that she can come to us with h-1 visa but it's difficual for you to get a LC for her. it's hard for her to get a f-1, or other non-immigration visa because she has an immigration potential.

Now it's your time to choose a wife with love or at hand.

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First of all thanks wherezgc and Dear_Frank !

With her educational background (fine arts/advertizing) it would be hard to get her to come to US on H-1. But as a student is a possibility.

Well if I get RFE, I guess there would be some time frame to reply to it. So during that time if she comes to US on tourist visa and we get married and I file for her AOS ....IS this possible !

Or if she comes to US right away, next week or so and I check online and AVM to make sure that my case is not approved. And on weekend we get married in court. And later I applied for her AOS. Would that be considered immigration fraud ????

wherezgc, she is a gorgeous woman. But it's not just beauty that I admire but her maturity as well. Thanks again for your help guys ..

Go for her

I do not know about the implications it will have on your green card. You can always bring her here on some visa.
If she is a model go for her. If not you might regret later.
If I were you..

I would go and marry her today itself. If u miss that girl now... u wont get it anytime. act fast..it is easy for us to advice...but u r the one should implement it:)

All of you for your advice.

It appears that the chances are pretty slim.
She getting a tourist visa and then coming here and then we getting married in court ...................doesn't look that good ! ...

Plus convincing her parents about this situation is one BIG TASK.

Marrying a beautiful model like girl, is probably a dream of every man. And when I came so close, the reality is that it's going to be just a "dream."

I don't know how to get over it !
Since you already have started using EAD, it is next to impossible for now to get her on H-4.

May want to try other visa types.

There r lot of people in the same boat, so if you find a solutions, pls enlighten us.

I am counting on this forum to shed some light on this issue.

Personally I don't see any solution other than regret for rest of my life. :(

Sahib Q, I don't know what to tell you ....

I am really upset.
Marrigrate her

Really not sure as to the immigration implications I apologize for posting since that is what your primary concern happens to be.

Go marry this girl if your feelings for her are as true as you say. The immigration stuff will work itself out. Speak to a good attorney and get some advice. This appears to be a serious concern that deserves a legal perspective.

The modelling stuff would peak anyone's interest I suppose, I do believe it's her personality and all that long distance chatting that has completely stolen your heart.

Good luck!
Thought I envy you .. I would still give you perfect solution

Thought I envy you .. I would still give you perfect solution just bcos I am married and I have no chance :D

Here's how you can do it :

Get an H1 using Premium Processing from a Desi bodyshopper. You would get it in a week. Cost @ $ 4000 Including Lawyer fees

Go to India with it immediately, Get married to the model

Get your H1 Visa stamped and her H4 visa stamped.

Get her here and file her AOS immediately

Live happily ever after :)
If you like her so much. Go for her.

Only suggestion "You have to really like the girl whom you marry becos it is not a 3 year process like GC. She is going to be your life partner whom you have to see her and wake up and live with her all your life".

If you like her that much and like to marry her and for some reason you don't "You will regret all your life for every simple reason even when you get another model".

My suggestion, go to India and get register married immediately. Some how convince their parents and bring her. I know you are close to your approval. Later you can look into visa alternatives.

1LongWait's solution is right too. Decision is yours.

"I believe in buying anything in the world except true happiness which is from wife or family"

Good Luck

Thanks BVRV, 1LongWait &, HarrisFeb2002.

Would it be feasible if she comes here as a tourist and we get married in US court? rather than me going to India and getting my H1 and her H4?

What's the best solution?



Here is one solution which I can think of. Since I was in a similar kind of boat. But I haven't used my EAD yet :)

So since u r not on H1B, you have only two optons left.
1. Get married asap (i mean asap) before ur gc gets approved. So get married ( i mean registered) asap. and get the marriage certificate.

So u have to this as quickly as possible. Get amrried and get the marriage certificate. And once u get that, inform INS that u r already married. So what happens after that is, once u get ur approval, u have to do follow to join. INS will send ur approval notice to US consulate in India. And then they will call her and give her an immigrant visa. Once she comes here, at the port of entry, she will get a temporary green card stamped in her passport.

2. Say ur green card gets approved and u marry after that. The only thing u can do is just wait. My lawyer said it might take upto 5 ys for her to get the greencard. So i dont consider this as an option my friend.

So please consult ur lawyer abt this Any thing u do do it fast sonce u dont ahve much time left.

Take the next flight to india so that you can marry (in court, at least) before your 485 is approved.. Then come back here and wait it out until your 485 gets approved. Then use your GC and file her for follow-to-join counselor processing at the local consulate.

She will get her Immigrant Visa and be able to join u in about 4 months after filing... But you have to get married BEFORE 485 approval.

Absolutely Yes, there are a lot of cases like that I know of..

Many got green cards but there are some hickups during the process like:

1. She may have difficulty going to India as her visa status changes for even years.
2. She will get GC after you become citizen.
3. There may be problems and enquiries.

But if she can come here before your approval and you get married then most may be solved.

Anyways, you will be living together.

My friend is in a similar situation. His sequence of events were :

1) Filed 485
2) Court married the girl in India.
3) Came back alone.
4) Got I-485 approved
5) Filed for I-824 (follow-to-join)

And is now waiting for 824 to get approved. 824 is a request to cable primary applicant's information to the consulate (in his case Chennai). Consulate will generate Packet-3 for his wife and then she will have to appear for an interview (kinda like CP). But he says 824 might take upto an year.

He has mentioned 2 options to expedite 824

1) He says "Mumbai consulate sometimes takes the filing receipt for I-824 and will give spouse the packet-3 without waiting for the primary applicant's information."

2) Omega-Route : wherein the primary applicant goes to any American consulate in Canada and presents the I-824 filing receipt and they will cable the information to the consulate in India. He is still researching this option and does not have any concrete information on this. May be you can talk to some good attorney and find out more.

Hope it all works out for you. If my friend finds out more on this I will post on this thread.

All the best,
thanks all of you :)

I really appreciate for taking so much time to reply to my post. That was really nice of you all.

With my project deadlines, it's hard for me to take a vacation anytime soon.

But what if I get RFE ? ...does the marriage during that time would be looked at as a legal?
