A question on switching jobs.


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Hi, guys,

I am hesitating between whether to take an job offer from CA or not. My situation is that my I140 (NIW) was approved and I485 is still pending at VSC (for more than 1.5 years). I am now a university postdoc and the new job is R&D in a small company. I know my case will be transfered to CSC if I move to CA. I am so worried that such kind of job change (from university to industry, from one service center to another) might cause me trouble in later 485 processing.

PLEASE, please tell me what you recommend me to do :

1) Don't go; wait unitll your 485 get approved, Otherwise you might be in trouble. I saw/heard such cases.

2) Don't worry, just go and take the offer. It shouldn't affect your case. I saw/heard such cases.

3) Hard to say. 50/50.

Please tell me which one you would choose. Your opinion means a lot to me. Thank you so much in advance!!!
Since i was in industry all my years here i don't know how USCIS considers your case. When you are switching jobs as long new job is same as old then it is no brainer. But here you are changing from School to Company though you do research and if any RFE comes you can still proove that you are doing an R&D. If i would be you i won't take that risk. Because first of all once RFE comes and you have to prove so many things during that period you have to go through lot of stress. My best advice is if you can stay where you are it would be better. But if you have to take new job and there is no option then ask the new company before that if any RFE comes are they willing to help you in preparing necessary documentation.
Thank you so much for your kind suggestion. I do not "have to" take the new job. Yes, I agree with you after pondering the situation these days. If there are any RFE, things would go very ugly. I will reconsider the offer.

BTW, it seems to me that you've seen a lot on immigration issues. Do you have any idea just how many people (%) would get RFE during their 485 processing, especially for a NIW(EB2) case?

Thanks again for warning me.

idm04 said:
Since i was in industry all my years here i don't know how USCIS considers your case. When you are switching jobs as long new job is same as old then it is no brainer. But here you are changing from School to Company though you do research and if any RFE comes you can still proove that you are doing an R&D. If i would be you i won't take that risk. Because first of all once RFE comes and you have to prove so many things during that period you have to go through lot of stress. My best advice is if you can stay where you are it would be better. But if you have to take new job and there is no option then ask the new company before that if any RFE comes are they willing to help you in preparing necessary documentation.
hi, sulingli: did you find out why your 485 case is stuck? security check or someting else? I'm in the smilar situation, sometimes people don't get RFE so they just get final approval, sometimes, changing job really cause problem, ( I saw two examples in my friends), so please be careful.

do you mind post your 485 ND and FP date?
Thanks for warning me again. I think my 485 is stuck at name check. My 485 ND was Dec 04, 2003 and the first FP was done last Novemeber. I initiated an inquiry two month back and the INS replied with that standard answer "for security check... lack of manpower ...".

Can you tell me what category your two friends (who went into trouble because of changing job) are in, EB1, EB2 or EB3? And did they finally find a way out? Thank you so much.

Good luck to you and thanks again for your kind suggestion.

dianaghuang said:
hi, sulingli: did you find out why your 485 case is stuck? security check or someting else? I'm in the smilar situation, sometimes people don't get RFE so they just get final approval, sometimes, changing job really cause problem, ( I saw two examples in my friends), so please be careful.

do you mind post your 485 ND and FP date?
check your email

sulingli: I thought it's better to email you instead of posting here to scare other people. because it's really case by case.