A question about LUD for the derivative


Registered Users (C)

My wife (derivative) has her LUD updated daily. 07/09; 07/12; 07/13. I am the primary and my LUD is still the same 06/14. 06/14 is the date on which my FP results have been received by the USCIS

Any body in the same situation. Is there any logical explanation why my wife's case has a new LUD every day and why not mine? Is there any way, I can have my case touched?

Faxed in a Level 1 Fax Inquiry for my week a week ago. Still my case has not had the LUD updated.

Any pointers will be good.

Thanks a lot

(2nd FP for wife and self 06/08
FP results received and processing resumed 06/12
LUD for self 06/14
LUD for wife 07/09; 07/12;07/13)
I was in a similar situation


I was in a similar situation couple days ago. My wife (derivative) received an RFE on July 8 after couple of LUD changes, and the very next day, they sent me an RFE as well. I am not in receipt of the RFE's yet in order to give you an indication of what it is all about. I would suggest you to be calm and check on the status for another day or two. I am sure you will see some status change in your cases. I did not send any fax enquiries to expedite or to find out what is happening to our case. Hope that answers some of your concerns.

same here....

It happened to my case as well [ WAC 02 135 ], for my wife case moved everyday as of 06/24 and mine untouched after FP received status 06/07
Hi guys,

From my experience I think you will get either an approval notice or RFE very soon. Good Luck to you all.