A Pleasant surprise from VSC...


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

This might help others who might be in a similar situation...

My 485 was approved in May of this year, whereas my wife\'s wasn\'t..since
her 485 was applied for in Feb of this year...I called VSC, and they
didn\'t want to talk to me about my wife\'s case...and also, they said
the application would have to run its normal course...which is something
I expected them to say...

But, we received her 485 approval yesterday...which really surprised me...
(EAC-01-098-xxxxx)...one thing probably helped...when I applied for her
EAD, the EAD sent by VSC had MY signature on it...so, she called VSC, and
the IIO who took her call, was very helpful I believe...he asked her as
to why her 485 wasn\'t approved, when mine was...when she explained that
she only applied this year, he asked her to send back a letter to VSC stating that the EAD has a wrong signature, and that a replacement EAD be sent...he also said that he will ask someone to look into her 485 application...since there is no reason for it NOT to be approved along
with my 485...

I didn\'t put stock in what he said at the end...but went ahead and sent the letter (requesting for a replacement EAD card) since we need the EAD...

And yesterday, they sent the 485 approval letter...I guess they might have
decided to approve her application, instead of going thru the hassle of
sending another EAD...OR they may have decided to approve it, based on her

I have seen some postings of primary applicant being approved, and spouse not being approved (since both applications were filed seperatley)...I suggest all of them to call VSC...and maybe that will help!

Hope this helps!

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Hello Srini,
  Congrats and Thanks for the Information.

My Husband\'s case was approved on June 1,2001.
He filed I485 for me on April 11 th ,2001 when his PD was not current.
By God,s Grace I have my receipt for both I485 and EAD.
I just wanted to know after receivig the receipt for I485 and EAD how long it will take to get EAD.

For Info:
  My RD is April 12 th ,2001
     ND is June 29 th,2001.

Thanks and Have a Nice day
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Hi Srini,

First of all, I would like to "Convey my Congratulations and Best wishes" for you and your wife.

Can you post your details such as PD, RD, ND, FP, RFE(if had one), AD?

Also can you post your Wife\'s details such as HER PD, RD, ND, FP, RFE(if had one), AD?

Did your wife had her FP done b4 her I-485 approval?

Thanks in advance for your info.

Have a good day.

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Thanks much for your wishes!

My details are
PD 08/98, RD 11/99, ND 12/99, FP 03/01, RFE Rcvd 04/14/01 (don\'t exactly remember, if it\'s 04/13 or 04/14...but one of those two) RFE replied on 04/24/01. VSC\'s AVM said they rcvd RFE reply on 04/30/01. Approved on 05/14/01.

My wife\'s
RD 01/01 (I am not sure about the exact date...I think it\'s 01/28/01), ND 02/01 (I think ND is in first week of Feb), FP 05/15/01, No RFE, AD 07/11/01.

>>Did your wife had her FP done b4 her I-485 approval?


If you have any more questions, please let me know...

Hope this helps!

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Congratulations. Sometime back one of the member in this forum have posted not to call IIO frequently as it is going to have negative impression on the case, after reading your message, it throws lot of light on how VSC officer responds to a call and are helpful. This is really a great news.
Good Luck.
My 485 is approved but not my wife\'s

What a similar case, my 485 got approved 2 weeks back but my wife\'s case is still pending which was filed in March 2001. Office who took the call 1 week back gave a similar reply that he does not want to talk about her case as it was filed only in march and it has to take its due course. We are just waitign for her approval.