A NOTE TO ALL (of us)

birdy num num

Registered Users (C)
      on the WEB OR CALLING INS.
      People with REAL problem, trying to get in touch with an IIO.
      Now, Some people get the company phone and call to IIO , just to ask "what\'s up?"
      Don\'t you think "I" want to know when can I except my G.C.?
      I have never called IIO to get an answer for that most important question!
      The best way to do that is to monitor this and other web sites like
      the one "myladoor" created- ( Great job myladoor).
      To call an IIO with such a GENERAL question is USELESS for the caller and HARMFUL TO OTHERS...
      let\'s consider OTHERS who might have been put "on hold" or are "getting busy signals"
      while somebody else asking an IIO some unanswerable questions?
      Do you think how they were told to answer the "general questions"?
      "THEY HAVE TO REPEAT "INS" OFFICIAL POLICY" which one can hear every night
       when checking your status via NSC phone line.

   So It be a responsible thing to do if you, let people with real complicated cases "laid-off, newly wed, missing files, or one who are about to go out status get
   throuh and discuss their cases..."

    and good luck
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Why don\'t you give it a rest ... we all heard you the first time.
Do everyone a favor and stop wasting server space.
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It\'s hard to control people. Especially by posting a message on the web. There would be probably 10 to 15% of the people who applied might be checking your message. If these 10 to 15% people stop it, INS line is not going to be idle. This is just what I feel.
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I think you meant \'conscience\' and not \'conscious\'. And anyway, the correct term would be \'judgement\'. And to further add to the noise hear, this is not the forum for people to suggest how other applicants should handle their anxiety and frustrations as it relates to this process. Unless, they ask for it in so many words.
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Busybee, Thanks for your note. You are right about the wordings ( conscious & .....)
 I am an Engineer, not a writer or Theoretician. This note is my view and I do not
have any means (nor intend to )force anybody to do anything.
My personal opinion is that WE (new- want-to-be IMMIGRANT) can do more
and BE HEARD by calling CONGRESSMEN than calling IIOs
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American govement always talk about the human right, they think they have the best human right in the world and they even force the other contry doing it. Do you thing the other contry people will appreciate it ? No, th eanswer is NO. It what you are doing right now. I know you are trying to save the world BUT they have a lot of people just want go to the h***.

Here have two groups people in this room :
1. Some people just want to get some free and quick information from here, they get what they want then leave until they need some help again. (85% people)
2. Some people (like you and me) exchange the information with people also help new comer problems. Sometime I feel tire about answer same question again and agin. But new comer do not know how to use the "search feature" here and they still need some help.

I have some suggestion for you:
a. create one text file for yourself, so you can copy and post the same thing again and agin. (I will start doing this)
b. Just ignor those Dump question, take easy. if someone want want to answer those dump question, it is their bussiness.

Be good ! my friend.
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My I485 LIN 00-078-xxxxx. Please if anybody else having same LIN, please reply and let us share any info on progress at NSC.
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I don\'t mean to extend this conversation, I saw several messages like call your congressman. Do you thing any good can happen by calling congressman. I don\'t think we can reach the congressman directly. What I heard is that our call will be directed to an immigration assitance and she will ask to fax all our details. All she does is just call INS and ask the same questions we ask an officer. Officer replies usual stuff. Is there anything else can happen more than this? Even if she pressurises the officer, Is it good if she is putting pressure with our LIN Number. What if they get pissed off and probably mess up your application?
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What a tragedy!

Because of the G.C. process, another one has lost her/his mind.

Our heart go out for you IRN, and we will pray for you.

For the rest of us who are lucky enough to still have a clear mind, don’t give up!

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"10688"is the same miserable rude "Thefly ". with a new ID.
It is childish to attack People becuase you dont like their view.
Thefly (=10688) grow up be The BUG!!!
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You know what irn, you are not a good person. You bother people and hurt their feelings, you better get the hell out of this site. Everyone will do and post what they want, if you don\'t want to read skip it and mind your business. If you keep on doing what you are now, you will end up on this web site for ever, with out accomplishing what you want in your life as there is some one on the top of us watching what we do.
Good luck....