a new puzzle..


Registered Users (C)
A clock takes 3 seconds to strike 3'o clock
How long will it take to strike 7'o clock

you think simple eh.. ? :) yeah, right!
try again
patienceGC is right!

I think patienceGC is right...but your qn is confusing:rolleyes:
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not enough information.

Clock strikes sound-gap-sound-gap and so on.

sound lasts x sec
gap lasts y sec

For 3 O'clock
3x + 2y = 3

For 7 O'clock
7x + 6y = ?

This is data sample could be
assume x=0.5sec and y=0.75sec

Then 7x + 6y will be 8sec

Am I missing something?
all right here is the answer

A long long time ago, on a train ride up to Rajouri where my dad was posted, he tricked me with this question.. then again I was a little kid back then and couldn't argue with him

It all depends on how you assume the clock is working - is the hammer that strikes the bell already spring loaded or not

The official answer was 9 seconds

The hammer is loaded ready to strike, it strikes at 3'o clock sharp and then for 2 successive load-and-strike it takes 3 seconds i.e. 1.5 seconds per strike

thus for 7'o clock it will strike at 7:00 sharp and the 6 successive load and strikes wil take 6*1.5 = 9 seconds (or (3600*4) + 9 seconds if you actually start counting the time from 3 o'clock)

But some might argue (which I should have done) that the hammer is in the non load position and thus does not strike at 3:00 sharp. Instaed it takes 3 seconds for 3 load-and-strikes and thus 1 second per load-and-strike - in this instance 7 seconds (or 3600*4 + 7 seconds) to strike 7'o clock

peace be with all
In my last response I assumed sound and gap following each other.

HOWEVER, if you assume the difference between the clock strikes only,

then there are 2 strikes for 3 o'clock meaning each strike =1.5sec

Then 7 o'clock will be 1.5X6 = 9sec

I am sorry did we waste your precious time by making you read this?

Did we tie you to the chair and make you read this?

Did we strain your delicate Genius's brain?

habibi, i am absolutely clueless about your answer

3 seconds i understand (assuming it is a trick question)
7 seconds i understand
9 seconds i understand
4 hours also i understand (assuming it is a trick question)

BUT 23 seconds..??
maybe that is a question in itself - how did habibi come up with 23?