A Little Relief


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Well, at least there is a political leader who is ready to represent our concerns and highlight the current stalemate of immigration proceudres.

07/03/2007: Congresswoman Lofgren's Statement on July Visa Bulletin Revision and USCIS 485 Rejection

Rep. Lofgren released the statement expressing concern on the incident. The statement indicates that she sent Secretaries Rice and Chertoff letters asking them to reconsider any mid-month updates of the July Visa Bulletin. As people know, she is the powerful Chairwoman of the House Judiciary Committee Immigration Subcommittee. Her statement is very important in two areas. One is the political attention we desperately need. The other is potential impact on the House action on employment-based immigration legislation as impacted by the incidents. Very important development politically.



Part of her statement to press:

Rep. Lofgren Issues Statement on Updated Visa Bulletin
July 3, 2007

Washington, D.C. – Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) today issued the following statement in response to the State Department’s update of the July Visa Bulletin and the subsequent rejection of applications for adjustment of status by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

I’m deeply concerned by today’s updating of the July Visa Bulletin by the Departments of State and Homeland Security. By taking this unprecedented mid-month update, the Departments of State and Homeland Security have seriously undermined the stability and predictability of U.S. immigration law. Thousands of individuals and businesses rely on the monthly bulletins to prepare and plan for the submission of applications. In addition, thousands of dollars in legal fees and other application related expenses are incurred in preparation for filing applications based on the these monthly bulletins.

This update sets a terrible precedent, and undermines our nation’s efforts to foster legal and orderly immigration.
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