A copy of I-94 question!


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I'm applying for green card, I have completed every forms and sent it today.
And I called my friend who just recently received her green card.

I told her what I sent, what form i have completed.

I sent a copy of my I-94 only the front of it but she told me i need to send a copy of I-94 front and back!

Is that true?
or only a copy the front of I-94 would be ok ?

Thanks in advance
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It might not be a big deal, but check the back of the I-94. Under "Record of Changes", if there is anything written, they might need to see that. Mine had a note on it saying that I have appeared for an interview 30 days after my entry. It was a requirement for people of certain nationalities after 9/11. But that was back in 2002.

Hopefully the worst it'll come to is that they'll send you an RFE notice for it. But I'm not sure if RFEs are sent for I-765, since that's the form that requests copies of I-94 be submitted to the USCIS.

Maybe someone who is more knowledgeable can either correct or confirm my thoughts.

Good luck.
yeah there is nothing written on it ... i have my fingers crossed for them not to send me RFE notice :)

Thank you "djhash"