A chinese(ND:3/6/00) has been approved.


Registered Users (C)
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chingchengchen - 01:47pm Apr 24, 2001 EST
    Country: China (Taiwan)
    PD: 5/24/99
    RD: 02/28/00
    ND: 03/06/2000
    FP: 10/2000
    AP: 04/23/2001
    EAC: 0011252XXX

Samba: EB2, INDIA, PD: 8/99, RD: 11/1/00, ND: 12/5/00, FP: 2/8/01 AD:????????????
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This subject is misleading.
INS treated Taiwan as a seperated queue different than China.

As for whether Taiwan belong to China, I rather not to discuss
the issue here. Let\'s keep our focus on our 485 application.
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Taiwan is not part of China!!
They are two totally different countries!!
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Sorry for that, my teammate, a nice lady who from Taitwan, ALWAYS said she is a Chinese, and a real black hair, yellow skin Chinese, and she feels proud of it. she said she hates those invented the word of taiwanese. I don\'t know what\'s difference between Taiwan and Mainland, but anyway, I began to like Chinese food/restaurant because of her and my othere Chinese friends not twnese, I believe it was not so called taiwanese food or taiwanese restaurant.

Anyway, congratulations! Let\'s foucs on the I-485 alone!
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ID4T, is there a word of "Mainlander" counterpart of the Taiwanese in your Chinese Languange? Don\'t be that pinic, in our community, we ALWAYS treat you great people "Chinese" no matter where U are from, at least my family told me this. I even don\'t know what\'s special mean of it. I personally think it is same as Englishman, or German, ot frenchman.... If I am right.
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Not to become offensive when we have mistake on our side. Will an Indian fell OK if they call him a Pakistani or Bangladeshi. Wont he start reciting stories of the history saying how they are technically different.
There are some people who get upset on these kind of terms. So accept your mistake and leave it there. Let us not go into explaining motives behind it.
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I thought you want to focus on I-485.
Since you asked, let me teach you a lesson. Next time, you won\'t embarrass yourself in front of Chinese or Taiwanese.
Taiwan is always an independent and democratic country. We vote our president, we have our own government, military...We even have our own language (Taiwanese)!
On the other hand, China is a communist country. There is only one party ruling the country, no free speech. Remember 1989 Tai-ann-mo square massacre in China, they use military to kill their own people in front of tanks... That is why so many Chinese try to escape from China.

You got it now?
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ID4T, you are bullshit.
I just sincerely asked you a simple question, you can not curse the people who from that country.
I will stop my post related to this topic, not matter what you will reply. At least I will belittle you as a dust. This is why we all come here, include you and me, don\'t even think you taiwanese is a higher class than those from mainland. I feel pride of my teammate\'s opinin. You, I don\'t know how to say.

This is my last post of this topic.
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I am just telling you the truth!
See who is cursing, You are the one telling people "Bullshix", aren\'t you?
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applause! Samba. In this country, people cannot even tell the difference b/w Chinese, Korean or Japanese so they have to use an ambiguous word - Asian. The people from Taiwan is not a higher class than those from other regions. Later on say Taiwanese, which is only a dialect of Chinese and only a (relatively) small group of people understand. Now we\'re talking about globalization, let them speak the dialect that no people outside the island can understand...

Let\'s stop here anyway...
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ID4T, you are so pathetic and sensitive. Stop attacking Samba.

I know this is confusing to other folks too. Some people say Taiwan is part of China, others say it is part of Japan but many so-called Taiwaneses just sincerely wish to be the 51st state of US.

And who cares about you?

Hey, I just heard that your comfort women worked for the Japanese army during WWII on their free will. You sure have won more respect on that part! Don\'t attack me, I heard this from one of your government leaders :^).

Taiwan sure is a tiny nice island.

No Title

ID4T, you are so pathetic and sensitive. Stop attacking Samba.
I know this is confusing to other folks too. Some people say Taiwan is part of China, others say it is part of Japan but many so-called Taiwaneses just sincerely wish to be the 51st state of US.

And who cares about you?

Hey, I just heard that your comfort women worked for the Japanese army during WWII on their free will. You sure have won more respect on that part! Don\'t attack me, I heard this from one of your government leaders :^).

Taiwan sure is a tiny nice island.

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I\'m from other country, and believe everyone feel offended if someone attacks your country (including you - so called "TWDad"). Especially you "TWDad" picked a specific group at specific time (those poor women in WWII), and I can not stay silence any more. I don\'t care where you heard it from, you should not post it in public if you are educated. Please take political crisis somewhere else.
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Oh, I forgot to tell you that "you have no human heart" for saying those women in WWI.
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This is a history lesson for you. You are hurting the pride of Taiwanese comfort women. They are not poor women but RESPECTABLE women. We feel very proud of their dedication for the island and the Japanese royal army. This has been deeply appreciated by high rank government officials too (ask any so-called Taiwanese pls).

TW top govenment officials have been expressing gratefulness to the fifty years of occupancy and comfort service customers again and again, and as late as last month. Especially the vice president-IBM has expressed her own sincere regret for not being able to service the royal army herself.

Taiwan is a very different \'country\'. They feel very proud of their fist-fighting in the congress but fear to fight for their dependence. They express thankful for the crimes committed by the royal army but not hate. They beg for mercy and cry loud to get daddy\'s attention.

Young man, this is fact and history that is HAPPENING now. No so-called Taiwanese can firmly deny my words. There is also no better way to shut their crying BIG MOUTHs.

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Please, Terry. I have nothing to do with this. Ask if their top government officials have hearts on that issue or not.

I feel sorry for those women too. I just want to point out the contradicting \'human\' nature of so-called Taiwaneses. Only insane people would elect their crazy government. YOU CAN\'T DENY THE FACT....
