9 MONTHS after FP and still waiting


Registered Users (C)
Its been nine months since FP and no response from VSC. Finally when the case went 30 days over the official processing date, called the uscis 800 number and talked to a person. The lady was very nice and said that I am actually 58 days over the regular time and that I should file a "referral" or service call with them and she will send the info to the proper officer who has my case and should hear from him/her in about 60 days. I guess looking at all the replies on this board, the letter would be back saying that the name check is pending. Is there anything else that I should do? After reading a lot on this board, FOIP or Info Pass seems useless. The only thing that seems to be working for some people is to write to state politicians.

N400 mailed: Nov 13th 2006
N400 PD: Nov 15th 2006
FP done: Dec. 4, 2006
Service Center: VSC
District Office: Buffalo
Complete Silence since Dec. 4 2006 after FP
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Have you gone for at least 1 Infopass so far? In most of the cases, if not all, Infopass tells you the current status of your application. If you haven't gone so far, go ahead and do it. It is really simple and you will have a better picture of your case when you are out of the DO after the Infopass appointment is over. There are few questions in this forum (if you search) to ask in the Infopass meeting with the DO.
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Can someone please point the URL to the "Questions to ask IO at Infopass"...it is a useful thread to make it sticky in FAQ.
i cant for the life of me find a single post where there is actually a positive outcome from this infopass visit to these local DOs. All I have seen so far is that they tell the person that their name check is pending, or their file is in the service center etc. No concrete answers.
lightrain -

I would recommend an Infopass as well, as the Buffalo DO is quite fast and you should have heard something from them by now. It is great that you called the service center and sent an inquiry, but you need to also talk to someone at the DO.

You submitted your application in 2006 and I know USCIS pulled the name check and fingerprint results manually (from two separate applications) up until Jan. 2007. IOs had to keep checking since there was no reminder letting them know a file has been updated with new results. They introduced a new repository application that syncs all background check, name check, and IBIS check requests and results into one location, and apparently sends them reminders when results are in. There was a federal register sent out about this in early Jan. So, your results could be in, but someone has not pulled your info. This is just one scenario - there could be multiple others...
Great response. The one scenario in your response actually make a lot of sense. From manual checking to computerized checking can leave some "ready files" to be just sitting there till the applicant inquires about it. I am still optimistic though that someone someday on this forum will actually respond with an email with a positive outcome of an Infopass appointment. By positive I mean anything but that their name check is still pending and to just wait. (This of course for people who applied for N400 and stuck in name check).
One thing you and I might differ on is that no matter how fast your District Office is, it has no impact on the outcome of your name check. Correct me if I am wrong but thats the impression I have gotten from all the posts in these forums here.
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hey lightrain -

I cannot argue with your logic. You are correct in that the swiftness of the local DO has no bearing whatsoever with whether or not an applicant gets trapped in name check hell. But on that same note, by doing an Infopass, you will know that the Buffalo DO has nothing to do with your case yet if you are still in name check. For all you know, your application may still be at VSC.

I don't know how long you have been a member of this forum, but I have ready several posts by members who have gotten positive results due to Infopass. For example, I have come across someone who found out their file was just sitting there at the DO and the IO was able to set up an interview date for them right away. I have read about another member who go their oath letter printed up after they inquired due to inaction long after they passed the interview. And finally I have seen some cases in which applicants got their interview date and time given to them during the Infopass session.

One thing is certain, each and every one of our applications are unique. So, we can just speculate on what we think is happening. I personally don't like to sit around and wait for something to happen, so after the time lines they have given are up - I would do whatever I can to get the process going.