824 options


Registered Users (C)
Can somebody help me on this?

My 824 was filed in Sep 2002 at VSC. It is still pending. According to immihelp.com, the latest date being processed is April 12,2002.
It is moving extremely slowly.

1. Anybody in the same boat?

2. Anybody was in the same situation and did something to change it and the process moved faster?

3. Does anybody have any ideas about what possible options I have other than waiting for the 824 approval (which I am not sure when that will happen!!) ?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance
Another question:

Has anybody tried to change the service center from which ur 824 is being processed? Is it possible at all? Any experience on this front, let me know.

Thanks in advance
Originally posted by amolnaik
Can somebody help me on this?

My 824 was filed in Sep 2002 at VSC. It is still pending. According to immihelp.com, the latest date being processed is April 12,2002.
It is moving extremely slowly.

1. Anybody in the same boat?

2. Anybody was in the same situation and did something to change it and the process moved faster?

3. Does anybody have any ideas about what possible options I have other than waiting for the 824 approval (which I am not sure when that will happen!!) ?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Have you considered the possibility of applying AC 140
(Attorney Certified 140) ? Some consulates accept the AC 140
cases just with the 824 receipt (the receipt of filing).

How can I convince my lawyer to file the AC140? I assume that he needs to send the documents. What are the important things that I need to consider doing that?

I am purely guessing your ac i-140 will be going to an indian consulate. If yes then New delhi and Bombay are the only two consulates which accept AC I-140 based on I-824 receipt(apprvoal not required). ALthough currently Chennai is not accepting AC I-140 cases efforst are being made for the Chennai consulate to start accepting AC I-140 based on I-824 receipt.

What consulate would your file go to?
Thanks for the reply...my file will go to Mumbai consulate. I am going to ask my lawyer to file for AC140

Like aoscorp mentioned there is absolutely nothing to worry about since there are a number of folks following this process and as long as you have all required documents, there is no criminal/ out-of-status history and no medical contagious history, you are fine.

Here is another list of AC I-140 process documents:

True. I-824 is used to convert AOS to CP ...if there is no AOS then no need to convert to CP as one is already on CP track. Hence your attorneys are correct about this.

I have filed for I-140 with CP option. My lawyer says he will file for I-824 once my 140 is approved .. is this true ? Because I have not filed for 485

Can you file I-824 if you have not filed for 485 and opted for CP. ..

Based on your post I guess I can not do that.. I have doubt that my lawyer probably does not know ..

Please spread some light on this ..

Thanks ///

Many attorneys do what your attorney is trying to do but is not a recommended approach since i-824 is used to transfer case from INS to a consulate (which in other words means to change from AOS to CP). The corrolary is that you can change to cp only if you are with AOS. There is no legal hassle but your attorney is trying to use a loophole (i think).

Consult one other attorney to get a fair view point.

Appreciate your reply .. I also think the same way. But when ever I ask my lawyer he says why do you worry about the process .. Let me do my job and you do what I tell you to do ..

I just want to make sure that it does not have any negative legal impact ..

I personally do not think there is any negative impact but it is not a recommended practice especially bcoz you have already have requested CP...