$750 for responding to an RFE????????

Shak Man

Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

My attorney is charging me $750 to respond to an RFE.

Here is my background:

I applied for I-485 while working at company A. Later, I moved to company B, and he charged me $1000.00 for portability filing. Since then I have moved from one location to another within company B, but with the same job description. Now I have got an RFE, and he is charging me $750 to respond to the RFE. Does this sound like a fair charge, or is it too much?

Would really appreciate your comments.

what is RFE about ? do u know

You did not mention what is nature of your RFE. Your lawyer should tell you what exactly RFE is about. If it is trivial in nature such as copy of birth certificate, photos, tax returns etc etc, you can answer that yourself. But If it is complex nature, you might want to use lawyer's service. Please post more details about nature of RFE.

thanks very much for replying to my query. The RFE is for Employment Verification Letter(EVL), paystubs, and tax returns. I would prefer to use the services of my lawyer to respond to the query, but it's just that $750 sounds awfully lot. Would BCIS accept a direct response from me with regard to the RFE instead of my lawyer? I am asking this because the RFE is sent directly to the lawyer.

thanks very much
Shak Man said:

thanks very much for replying to my query. The RFE is for Employment Verification Letter(EVL), paystubs, and tax returns. I would prefer to use the services of my lawyer to respond to the query, but it's just that $750 sounds awfully lot. Would BCIS accept a direct response from me with regard to the RFE instead of my lawyer? I am asking this because the RFE is sent directly to the lawyer.

thanks very much

Unless your lawyer is doing some paperwork, I don't think he should charge you. He has already been paid for I485 application and RFE is part of it. Remember, if your attorney did not provide any document in I485 application, that can generate RFE too. I know some cases (from my friends), the lawyers did not provide current W2/tax return alongwith I485 application and eventually they got RFE for W2/return. In that kind of cases, he should NOTcharge because it is his mistake. Somes RFEs are vague and attorney need to work on it. But your RFE does not look like so. EVL will be given by your employer, paystubs, tax return will be provided by you. For replying RFE he does not need to fill up any form or anything else. All he is going to do is that, attach all the documents together and send it back to USCIS. This is my feeling and I would ask my attorney to mail all RFE papers to me so that I could reply.
BCIS will accept your direct response as long you reply in the same RFE envelope and with the RFE notice.

But GC/RFE things are sensitive thing. If your attorney replies and that makes you more satified and confident, go ahead and ask him to reply. Decision is yours. In that case, one more step you can do is burgaining for the fee.
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I paid $1000 for my complete I-485. That inclued all the processing like AC21 ,RFE Address change.

May be you need to change your attorney
$750 sounds a bit on the expensive side for a simple RFE. But lawyers usually have standard rates for their time. This is how they get rich and drive BMW's :) But your lawyer sounds particularly low. If it was worth it I would advise you to change lawyers, but it is so late in the game that you will probably end up paying more money. As far as replying to the RFE is concerned. While you can do it easily, I would be hesitant to do so, because in the long run 750$ is just a drop in the ocean. It is not worth scarificing your peace of mind. So here is what I would do, pony up the 750$ and as soon as I have the approval notice in my hand, definitely advise people not to go to him again.
To me, it seems like your lawyer is charging you $750 for time it will take him to prepare response for your RFE and send it over (likely 4 hour job). I dont think it is a complex RFE. You can ask your lawyer about format for EVL and rest you must have already. I would say, get documents together and respond yourself. Talk to your lawyer, ask him to provides you format of EVL letter. Get that letter from your employer, attach yoru tax returns and pay stubs and send it over yourself. Dont forget to keep a copy of everything for yourself. Hope it helps. You may want to search the forum, as others have responded to RFE themselves. Hope this helps.

Shak Man said:

thanks very much for replying to my query. The RFE is for Employment Verification Letter(EVL), paystubs, and tax returns. I would prefer to use the services of my lawyer to respond to the query, but it's just that $750 sounds awfully lot. Would BCIS accept a direct response from me with regard to the RFE instead of my lawyer? I am asking this because the RFE is sent directly to the lawyer.

thanks very much
smart_guy007 said:
To me, it seems like your lawyer is charging you $750 for time it will take him to prepare response for your RFE and send it over (likely 4 hour job). I dont think it is a complex RFE. You can ask your lawyer about format for EVL and rest you must have already. I would say, get documents together and respond yourself. Talk to your lawyer, ask him to provides you format of EVL letter. Get that letter from your employer, attach yoru tax returns and pay stubs and send it over yourself. Dont forget to keep a copy of everything for yourself. Hope it helps. You may want to search the forum, as others have responded to RFE themselves. Hope this helps.

In this kind of simple RFE, there is nothing to "prepare". USCIS sends the notice and a reply envelope. All you need to is attach all the documents they have asked for, and reply with the notice and envelope. Never attach any additional document, becaue that can confuse the officer. The format of EVL - any company HR person knows that. It mentions three items - date of hire, current position and current salary. That's it.
Keep a copy of the notice and envelope (it has the address) because you may need them in case your RFE reply get lost in mail.
Send the document in certified post so that you have a proof.
I got RFE last month (EVL, tax return) and had to find a lawyer myself since I had changed job. She charged me $750 to reply RFE and another $500 to attend interview (Luckily I got approval without interview.). I did not want to take risk and paid $750.
After the approval she sent me another bill for fedexing reply to INS ($6.88).
everyone, thanks VERY much for your replies and the information provided. This really helped me. Based on your input, it does seem that my attorney is asking for too much.

thanks very much again.
I paid $1100 for my RFE reply to FDBL. They were the original attorneys who filed my 485. My company vanished few months after 485 filing then I continued to keep the same attorney.
They prepared AC21 letter, I-134 Affidavit of support and sent to INS along with EVL, W2s that I mailed them.
I debated about doing it myself but ended up not wanting to take the risk.

My attorney charged for 4 hours @ 250/ hr and $100 in misc. expenses.
I got approved and forgot about the payment now.
I got a similar RFE for EVL, tax returns, W2s, etc. Also, I changed employers since my I-485 filing so had to do AC-21 as well.

Did the complete RFE by myself and send it. Also, got approved !!!

I can help if you need anything?

RD: July 2002
Approved: May 2004

Good point. Pay the fee, get approved, and FORGET ABOUT IT!
I got milked like a cow when I went through the process. However, I got approved, and it's all over.
Ask yourself: "How much have I spent already?" and "Does this really make a difference?"
I tell you from my personal experience. It's all water under the bridge......

did you call animal rights peoples....if you are not a cow you should not milked like one...

ysolong said:

Good point. Pay the fee, get approved, and FORGET ABOUT IT!
I got milked like a cow when I went through the process. However, I got approved, and it's all over.
Ask yourself: "How much have I spent already?" and "Does this really make a difference?"
I tell you from my personal experience. It's all water under the bridge......
mygcwaiter100 said:

did you call animal rights peoples....if you are not a cow you should not milked like one...

Unfortunately when it comes to immigration, "animal right groups" are the people who milks cow.
HOLY COW, He came, he saw, he laughed and he still waited for his Green Card. ;)
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One thing is for sure, you guys have a great sense of humour!! And it really helps a lot in these stresfull times of GC approval process!