6 yrs H1 visa expired


Registered Users (C)
I have a very critical situation now regarding to my upcoming expirations H1-visa on 10th of Oct, 2006. I have not filed anything yet becuase Iwas waiting for my boy friend became US citizen and getting marry. However, his interview was delay from what we have expected but finally notified the interview in Nov. Hence,I will be out of my status by then. is it any way to maintain my status without getting any troble after out of my status ( after 10/10/2006) and before we get marry(hopefully,his paper will be ready in Dec). Therefore, I need to find the way to cover my status from now to end of this year ( Oct, Nov and Dec) due to he should be obtain his US citizen by then..we hope!!!!
Is any advise for me to get any extended visa??? or do I eligible to be U.S. for additional 60 days like F1 visa?? need help!!!!Someone??
sabrina626 said:
Is any advise for me to get any extended visa???
How can we advise without enough info about your H1 and GC process ?

My answer is if you want to maintain status, apply some visa. If you do not want to maintain status, well, that's another way in your case, but I won't tell very details as advising illegal stuff is against my personal policy.

I'd say read this link VERY CAREFULLY in case you won't maintain status.
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what other visa am i be able to apply for??

I though about to get other visa to maintain my status after 10/10/2006 but it doesn't seem to get anything like F1 visa (obviously, I am too late to , apply fall semaser) can you advise what other visa can I obtain for at least the following 6 months before my future fiance become US citizen?? by the way, besides my H1 visa, I never apply green card while I am under H1 visa..Is this help to get any other visa?? really need help please........

Ps, There are 21 days left from now?what should i do before I am out of status? or should we obtain marriage certification first before 10/10/2006 and file sponsorship thur my future husband later on when he become citizen?would that help?
sabrina626 said:
Ps, There are 21 days left from now?what should i do before I am out of status? or should we obtain marriage certification first before 10/10/2006 and file sponsorship thur my future husband later on when he become citizen?would that help?

If F is not an option, try B, but it is not easy to get B. YOu need to convince USCIS why you need B visa.
If you have some time you spent outside the US when you were on H1, you can recapture this time and extend H1 by that period.
You need to apply extension or status change before your H status expires.

marrying before H1 expiration will cause more trouble as it gets very difficult to get non-immigrant visa such as F and B.
Trying to recapturing the time you spent abroad(if any) is realistic solution, otherwise, obtaining other visa just to stay for 2, 3 months is frankly not easy.

BTW, did you read instruction in I485 ?
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