6 month visa approved for my in-laws


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My Father in law and Mother in law got a 6month visa at the Mumbai
Consulate yesterday. The officer asked my father in law if he needed
an interpreter and was mildly surprised when he said that he would like
to speak in English.

Questions asked were
1. Where does your daughter work?
Big XYZ Company.

2. Who is sponsoring the trip?

3. When did you retire?

4. What was your job title when you retired?
(Supervisory title)

5. How much pension do you get?
XXX amount. Showed pension book.

6. Do you have any kids in India?
A elder son and daughter.

7. What does the elder son do?
Works at a big company

8. What is his job title?
GM at Big XYZ company.

9. What does your elder daughter do?
She is a housewife

10. Why are you going to USA?
Our purpose is tourism

Visa was granted for six months.

In laws background......Don't own any property in India and only have some
investment amounting to less than 5 Lakh Rupees.

We showed strong bank balance....Like a six figure one & decent 6 figure
salary which my wife earns. We are green card holders.
They showed some investment, decent amount pension and strong family

I think this case got approved 30-70 on investment and family ties. They
made a strong mention of family ties such as elder son whom with they
live, elder daughter and their grand children that they are attached to.

My father in law spoke for both of them in English. I won't say his english is
fluent but he speaks reasonably good English and that helped too as the
officer seem to have appreciated that he was willing to speak directly in
english with her.

Hope others find this helpful. Best of luck people.