5th Year any news on your 485

I checked yesterday(1-1-02), no good news. I think I have to be little pragmatic this year. Usually

...and making so fuss on this web site. SO, I will be absent from today and I will post the Good News as and when I know it.

Good Bye friends......................
Come on 5th year.............

You are a nice guy here.........Good luck and happy new year
Hang on, 5th Year NSC. From 6th Year NSC awaiting AD (Details in message).

Hopefully we should hear soon enough.

My details: Detroit, EB2, PD:1/97, RD:2/6/01, FP:7/24/01. AD...?
Thanks NSC_Year6 for your warm lift-up. Hopefully, our good time returns. I can imagine, how hard yo

..mine is EB3, PD 2/12/1997, I485 RD 12/19/2000 ...let me see ...
when is the AD?..
Had to wait more than two years for ad to appear at the Detroit office ...

Then labor at Chicago was another year ..., then ran into a very-difficult-to-deal-with-doctor-for-medicals before changing to another physician... well, hopefully sometime soon it will all bear fruition.