5 years! It is finally Aprroved. ND August 7,01


New Member
After I punched in the EAC number, I expected to hear the same old thing again. But there was something different last Thursday at 6:30pM. I felt the difference in less than a nano second. Yes, it was the magic A-word. Yes, indeed, it has been 4 years, 9 months. If you learned the approval the same way, you know what I mean. You feel it, not hear it because every time I call that number, I turned on my immune system to protect myself from frustration and disappointment. You see folks, we are very adaptive.

PD: 11/96
RD: 7/01
ND: 08/01
FP: 11/01
AD: August 2, 2001.
EB2, China.

God knows how my case ended up being one of the longest. Don¡¯t we all believe we are the lucky ones. When I started my process, my attorney told me that the whole process would take about two or two and a half at most. Gee, that was long, I thought. But I was lucky, the attorney noted, because I was in New jersey and folks in CA and NY would have to go through a much longer processing time. Well, I thought, I probably can handle that.

Remember our new governor who won the 96 election with a razor sharp margin? She was making a lot of points, wasn¡¯t she? Utilizing the bell labs, tax cutting and all that. Right? You remember? One of the first things she did as governor was to cut the bureaucrats in the state capital. Where to cut? The department that served the immigrants (sorry, wanna-be-immigrants). The task force to process application to do advertisement as the first step towards a GC was cut by half. What puzzled me the most was not what she did, but the process which used to take about 4 months dragged on and on and on and on and for some people it took two and a half years!

Then there was the I-140 freeze during fall 1999 and good part of early 2000. Anybody figured out why? My I-485 took five days short of a year. Can anyone tell me I was lucky or I was not lucky? Anybody?

I tried not to think about it. It worked most of the time. But it was the very few seconds from time to time that I had to face the reality made all the difference. Opportunities passed, high spirit went down, surfing this site each day and everyday, plan abandoned. I told myself that not to worry about things that I cannot control. I told people not to worry about things that they cannot control. Right. I did not worry about it --- when I did not think about it.

Say, folks, one person¡¯s decision could affect so many people¡¯s life, especially people who had no say in the decision making process. Many of us are and will become decision makers. Please, folks, when you make a decision, think about those who you don¡¯t see, don¡¯t know, might care about and will never meet, especially those who have no say in your decision making process. They are all human beings.

I was reading a book the other day. The author says: PRIESTS SERVE, IMMIGRANTS SUCCEED.

Yes, we are free at last and will succeed. No doubt. Our children will be even more successful. You will tell your children about your GC ordeal, won¡¯t you?

Good luck folks and free at last.

Shuttlebus ..... my not come back to the launch pad this time ;-)
Hi Shuttelbuss.. I remember 1996..

Got caught up in the same mess as you did. Took three and half years for the DOL approval.. What a nightmare..
Congratulations any way..
Took 5 years for me too in NJ

Yep , Sep 96 was my PD and labor got approved in 99 Feb .
No RIR in those days . Every time I though to change it to RIR,
my lawyer frightened me about losing the PD .

The second blunder was applying for AOS in
Jan 2000 instead of CP . With all this slowdown and job cuts
each month was getting scary .

Atlast got my freedom in Apr 2001 .

Phew ! What a relief .
You enjoy yours too man !!!